Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Weigel's Tendentiousness | National Catholic Reporter

Weigel's Tendentiousness | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I still think that Weigel is best ignored and the pro-life movement best exposed as an electoral and fund-raising scam. They will continue to be until they show me a serious bill that takes into account the flaws of simply declaring the unborn as people with regard to miscarriages. If you deal with this point honestly, Catholics cannot really morally support any Republican.

The decency argument he makes is likely more about gay marriage. In other places, I have shown that the idea of marriage in scripture, that of its indisoluability, applies equally to gay marriages as the straight variety and what the Church really fears is not the State but its own people and clergy.

Religious freedom applies constitutionally to employees, not employers, especially when dispensing a good, like health care, that is guaranteed by public funds and is therefore imbued with individual rights over group privileges.

I am all for a just and living wage - which is why I am voting for the President. I would hope that the Catholic Church would start paying one to all its employees - where a just wage means that whenever an employee has another kid they get a wage bump, regardless of their job. That should be tax supported.

As for entitlements, the current structure of retirement entitlements was written by what is now the USCCB with Msgr. Ryan adapting Catholic Social Teaching to federal law.

As far as alternatives, I offered some in my presidential candidacy. Romney has not really offered any reasonable alternative funding mechanisms. Its a bit to late for Weigel to be endorsing me, since Americans elect has folded.

As far as Nazis in the public square - if the shoe fits FoxNews, they should wear it. They certainly are expert at identifying the enemy other in the immigration and birther debates, going so far as having Romney include remarks about the 47% in his stump speech to donors.

Again, ignoring Weigel's drivel may be the best way to silence him (although it does not seem to have stopped me from posting online).

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