Monday, October 15, 2012

Personal & Political; Hypocrisy or Not? | National Catholic Reporter

Personal & Political; Hypocrisy or Not? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: In reality, Catholic politicians have been loathe to provide much needed guidance on the politics of abortion to the bishops for fear of alienating Catholic voters.  I suspect they don't even do this privately, so the result is that the bishops rely on staff advice which misleads them (and MSW) on the constitutional nature of legal abortion in the United States - and how this is different from how abortion is legal in most other nations.  This should include explanation of both the jurisdictional questions and the privacy issues (that only Congress has the power to alter who is a person and how privacy simply keeps the state out of such issues as birth control, adultery, sodomy and abortion - absent some congressional action on personhood).  While some Catholic clerics and bishops detest the existence of the right of privacy, as a believer in a limited state, I cherish it.  Local majorities often bow down to pressure from the local religious and moral leaders, which is why privacy should be guaranteed federally lest the tyranny of the mob regain control over our sexulaity.

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