Monday, October 1, 2012

Election 2012: Religious Liberty

Election 2012: Religious Liberty by MSW. MGB: One should never mention the HHS mandate without pointing out that the Church quietly accepted the fact that preventative policies have included birth control since December 2000.  This is a manufactured crisis and the reason no one has mentioned it is that it has outlived its usefulness on both sides.  Of course, there would be no crisis at all if the laity controlled most of the property of the church through modern non-profit corporate structures.  In such a world, directors would not look to pick a fight the way bishops, who legally now own these agencies as personal property, would do.  That would likely be a good thing.  The question is not just about freedom on conscience - but WHOSE freedom of conscience.  No one is forcing employees to use contraception, so I have to side with them.  Since I believe that there is no life issue, because I can't see individuality occurring before gastrulation, the issue is entirely about sexual morality - a place where the Church as employer deserves NO OPINION.

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