Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Links: Vaccine mandate exemptions; Supreme Court changes; ideology run amok

Links: Vaccine mandate exemptions; Supreme Court changes; ideology run amok 

Trump fanatics believe that he is sent by God to save either the White race or the unborn. We cannot change the minds of the true believers, we can only arrest the violent ones and show Trump to be poor, therefore lacking God's favor.

The problem is not the Court, it's the Senate - which responds to the problems of the House. Open rules for debate in the House will lead to comity in the Senate and no extremists on the Court. God will do the rest. Justices Thomas and Breyer are getting long in tooth. The meme on partisan justices is only half right. On some issues, especially in dissent, less conservative justices (and they are all conservative) strive for justice over law. 

We must balance both - and no, Roe is not going to overturned. The most the Court will do is extend legal protection for those unborn who respond to painful stimuli. Settling second trimester issues ends the debate. Congress should consider how to do it before the Court does. Recognizing it can also ends the debate. Civil rights law is a mess because the Senate is broken and because, unless lotteries are recognized as the best affirmative action, there is no good solution where no one feels cheated.

The biggest question for vaccine hesitancy is whether people who have had the disease can be counted as immune. Those in that boat have suspicions about profiteering by drug companies. The key issue for the moment is that children are no longer immune like they were a year ago. Isolating them was not a good idea. Now they must have the vaccine to be safe.

The Carroll schools incident shows why strong central administration in education is a lousy idea. Let every school have a board made up of people who now serve on the PTA. Smaller scale discussions will stop systemic insanity.

Law schools are a way to make sure Associates can be worked to death because of their educational debt. Like medical residency, doing law is the best way to learn it. Law school politics is training for what happens when older lawyers run for Congress. As for Yale, they need to give Senator Josh Hawley his money back. He seems to have forgotten basic Con-Law.

Florida voting depends on who dies and who moves down to retire. Global warming also has a say in the matter. The state is a good argument for district level voting in the Electoral College, with the two votes for Senators going to whomever wins the popular vote. The South is the reason why an independent judiciary is needed to restrain democracy. It is too easy for elites, like Catholic bishops, to put their moral agendas over the rights of individuals.

I am all for women working, especially in high paying jobs. Whomever makes the least amount should be the stay at home parent /golfer. It is time to escape the bonds of evolution that require men to work. I would hope that Ms. Nooyi does stand up for Build Back Better - as well as the Child Tax Credit's expansion. She, and Biden, should shame the bishops into joining them.

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