Thursday, October 14, 2021

Links: Palm oil corruption; the blue-collar struggle for social justice

Links: Palm oil corruption; the blue-collar struggle for social justice 

Sadly, palm oil companies are not that much worse than other industries in that part of the world. If they were the worst of the worse, no one would work there. Consumerism drives this. If it were more cooperative, along with cooperative labor, no industry could get away with this stuff. They could also not offshore jobs or use race and sex to divide workers.

Cooperative purchasing and work should also be better for the environment, especially because it should do better urban planning and land use than the free market can. Or government, which responds to disaster more than thinking ahead (especially on water).

The moral clarity of the bloody shirt was great for winning elections. The Dixiecrats have now switched parties, but are still up to their usual tricks. To reiterate, they are the shock troops of capitalism.

The problem with the Bioethics Center is the bishops who support their astroturf. They are the problem, not the solution.

Dignitatis Humanae carried with it not only democracy but the God given nature of individual rights. The Curia and its counter-revolutionary popes did not want to see this. This pope is only beginning to see it and it is the heart of why the Bishops are mistaken when they seek a criminal solution to abortion. The drive to ordain women and let sexual teaching evolve dates from that era, although it took the abuse crisis for us to realize that Medieval ecclesiology is neither necessary or desirable.

Platitudes on wood carving trivializes the self-inflicted wounds of Zionism, which also claims to advance American ideals. Given the treatment of Tribal Nations, they learned the wrong lesson. If anyone is locked out of rights, they are not really inviolate for anyone. This is before we consider abuse of the alien (in their own land) as taught in Torah.

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