Thursday, October 28, 2021

Links: Francis channels his predecessors; fact checking political ads; supply chain problems

Links: Francis channels his predecessors; fact checking political ads; supply chain problems 

Francis calls us to real faith, not to focus on The Faith (in the organization). Faith calls us to Love and Hope - all of which are gifts of the Spirit.

I saw Oprah's adaptation of Beloved. It is a very dark story. I would not assign it to high schools students. Youngkin's education ad is as freaky, referring to GOP boilerplate conspiracies on the FBI investigating school board attendees (that may or may not have been parents) because they threatened violence. Very scary.

Ortega is taking a page out of Putin's playbook. Trump would have followed it if he could have gotten away with it. Cheney did get away with it in the name of national security, rather than electoral politics. In the end, it doomed the GOP for long enough to get health care passed.

Prices going up while people stay home, either because they can afford to or because they are made to is an invitation to hyperstagflation. The GOP is not wrong to worry about this. Biden should be worried too. Given an inflated asset market (both liquid and real), we are a hairs breath away from another depression.

A third of a pound burger cooks down to four ounces of protein and fat when cooked. It is a reasonable size for a burger. Not too big, not too small.

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