Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Links: Russian elections; assisted suicide; reply to McAleese's criticism of Francis

Links: Russian elections; assisted suicide; reply to McAleese's criticism of Francis 

In Canada, the bishops know the difference between what legislators can do and what courts won't let them do. Would that the U.S. Bishops knew or admitted this. Ending the alliance of some with the Republican Party would decrease abortion, provided that they endorse Biden's budget.

American military and civilian personnel are dedicated to the rule of law. Trump's coup would not have been successful, however, no one in the Republican Party lifted a finger to remove him from office when it was clear he was taking orders from Putin.

In the United States, the right to die cannot be legislated. The question will be whether rational suicide (i.e., not from curable depression) can be prohibited by the government or must be respected as a privacy right.

The Afghanistan dip will not hurt Democrats in 2022. In 2024, the Golden State will be firmly blue, especially if Harris is at the top of the ticket. California needs to separate the recall from electing a replacement. This is why we have Lieutenant Governors.

The French should not have wasted their time competing with the special relationship between the United States and the Crown. Also, it does not do Asia well. Everyone still remembers how they messed up Vietnam.

The Irish Presidency is, like the British Monarchy and the Israeli Presidency, an office with no real power. She speaks for the people, not the government. In the recent past, Rome killed the Irish hierarchies efforts to deal with child abuse responsibly. They are correct to withhold trust now.

The High Middle Ages were a time of religious fervor and Church overreach. A comparison to today's relations between labor and the Church are comparing apples to oranges. This is why Distributism is not appropriate for our time. Life exists on a bigger scale - one that outpaces the local Ordinaries. Move the Church into the realm of modern management and they may be more useful to workers in the pews.

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