Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Having left Kabul, now what? Enough sticks; let's focus on carrots

Having left Kabul, now what? Enough sticks; let's focus on carrots 

I am not terribly worried about the Taliban. Their goal was our text, not radical Sharia. If the women of Afghanistan want liberation, they must demand it. The Taliban have less strength than is apparent, so they will likely be more democratic and respecting of individual rights than before. 

Saudi money propped up the last regime. It won't this time. If it does, we should go after the Saudis, not the Taliban.

The biggest need in American foreign policy was to get rid of Donald Trump. Mission accomplished. He is an oaf who made America look bad and was likely financially compromised with his ties to Moscow. 

American hegemony is less popular with an ugly face. The irony is that Trump was correct about the need to decrease hegemony itself. The role of the American President as free world dictator is not sustainable. 

If the EU had real unity and an effective executive (rather than rotating national leadership) it would be a formidable military power. Assuming that were the case, how many Americans would be comfortable with a collection of EU military bases on American soil? How about a United Mesoamerican Army? Would it be justified? 

We just had a fascist insurrection with many of its supporters remaining as an organized political force. Should the world risk their election of another authoritarian with nuclear launch codes? 

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