Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Links: Happy feast, Scrooge, inviting them in

Links: Happy feast, Scrooge, inviting them in 

McConnell is about to bow to the inevitable. Too much of his caucus has gotten on board behind the moderates. Now the challenge is to fashion a majority that can override a Trump veto. Sooner is better than later, because a pocket veto could be an issue if they wait too long.

It is a good idea to stop calling people out of instances of impurity from the past. This type of thing undid Al Franken. It is counter-productive. I wrote a column last January about focusing on White privilege as counter-productive in bringing out a rejection of the excesses of capitalism, rather than using Trumpists as useful idiots to keep economic privilege in place. Of course, talking about white privilege at Smith would lead to blank stares, so the irony is thick.

The election showed that suburban Republicans have rejected Trumpism, but not Republican ideology as a whole. This is why the GOP did well down-ballot. Usually when polls go wrong, it is because they underestimate the effect of income distribution and beliefs. This was especially true this year. 

On astrology v. astronomy - astrology is about human relationships, not cosmology. Paganism uses human archetypes to create the gods. It did not go the other way. The myth that the shifting the Latino vote will protect the Democrats from their neo-liberalism is akin the corrupting paganism by adding fidelity to the Emperor.

Tataryn is attacking right-wing populism. It is an easy position to take, especially from the cheap seats in the Great White North. Trump is a caricature and COVID is not out of control because reality is being denied by the masses. Rather, it is because the medical model of how the virus spreads is flawed. It spreads like a cold, not like Ebola.

I could not care less about Florentine soccer stadiums. I am more concerned in how clubs are owned by plutocrats. Giving cities a piece of the action on every team would solve the issue.

MSW should re-read Chapp's column. Quoting a column which begins with Medieval fairy tales while poo-pooing astrology is strange indeed. That Chapp cites the Register should be dead give-away that things were going to do down from the there. He contends that abuse was caused by Vatican II and gay clergy. The reality is that the rot in the Church started with its acceptance of the asexual ideal in the fourth century. Ordaining women would solve this. I don't think Chapp would agree. 

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