Thursday, December 10, 2020

Links: Going big on climate change, going bonkers on Trump

Links: Going big on climate change, going bonkers on Trump 

The crisis is showing the cracks in the economy. There are lessons to be learned, but first people need to pay their rent (and not blow their rent money on other things because there is a moratorium. There is massive inequality and the pandemic rubbed our faces in it. Will we remember? Good question. Will we even listen to new solutions? Better question and less likely. A carbon tax will not fix everything. Reform must be bigger than that. Green-washing capitalism does not remove its stink.

Of late, I have seen conservatives on Twitter including their Parler IDs. Mostly, they are parlor pinks.

Trump's attempts to overturn the election never had hope, but they are a tremendous opportunity to grift. White Evangelicals falling for grifters is a centuries old phenomenon in the United States. Advent and revelation, however, are two sides of the same story - that the world will change in the Lord, but to make all things new, we must become the new creation. Simply purple-washing at Advent is not the same thing.

Universities harbor fringe on both sides. I lived at CUA and used the library, but I was never a student there. For every Dennis Coyle you have to deal with a George Weigel. Dennis can explain why the cultural biases on why some resist the administrative state - as well as how culture has impacted the response to the pandemic (from both sides). 

Solidarity is not enough to overcome a flawed model of how the disease progresses and is spread and calls for solidarity always trigger the libertarian gag reflex. A balanced society, and to be healthy there must be balance, requires the existence of both of these cultures. Until we can merge community with liberty - hierarchy and CEO despotism will win.

The GOP's Trump problem is borne of the desperation of the White working class and their inability to find common ground with people who do not look or love like them. Trump was their savior. They wanted to be like him. It will take a lot for them to realize that the Trumps are two bit grifters whose brand is not based in reality. Once Trump's creditors, the SDNY, NYS and NYC get done picking over the bones of the Trump organization, most Republicans will say "Donald who?" 

The essence of our new advent must be to bring about a future for the woke and the unwoke - one that both sides can own rather than depend on. We need cooperation. Solidarity and liberty must exist in equal measure.

The biggest missing in Christian's essay is not saying the word "capitalism." It includes the progressive and radical roots of the Grand Old Party. His essay merits an independent review. See part 2 of today's column.

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