Wednesday, December 9, 2020

American Viganò: Archbishop Chaput divides episcopacy even in retirement

 American Viganò: Archbishop Chaput divides episcopacy even in retirement

If Joe Biden were an avid pro-lifer and sought to ban abortion, he could do no more than Trump did. This is not a question for politicians. Abortion will never be considered infanticide, because to do so, the government must investigate and punish it in the same way. Selective enforcement would violate the due process rights of doctors and women. Empowering the police to investigate is a bridge the pro-life movement will not cross - which means they are pro-choice as well. 

The Court cannot "kick the matter back to the states" because doing so would kick all such matters back to the states - resulting in tyranny of the majority. The Court will not do that. 

Give up the nightmare of police power against women. 

Police power against women would be the same thing as using it against both slaves and freemen, as well as opponents of slavery and segregation.Indeed, before Roe, those who believed in legal abortion were persecuted for their beliefs. This is also tyranny. It was also the 1950s heyday of Church power. This was not a golden age. It was conformity, not faith.

The hierarchy cannot complain. Dignitatis Humanae implies that civil government, in either Catholic or non-Catholic nations, cannot force doctrine on the polity. As appointees of the Vatican, bishops using Communion to impose unconstitutional doctrine on Catholic politicians amounts to sedition. It is not a crime under law, but it is still reality. Biden owes it to us all to note that fact to the Nuncio. It is not Biden who must conform his conduct to canon law. It is the bishops who must.

I am not sure which is worse, the bishops offering a constitutional theory that is simply wrong due to ignorance or due to partisanship. The latter is calumny against all Democratic politicians. Holding a correct view of constitutional law cannot be a sin. Period. What is a sin is prostituting the Church to the Republican Party. As for Chaput and Vigano', they are best ignored. Their views are only important if reported on. Don't give them the satisfaction.

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