Monday, April 6, 2020

Time for the Dems to earn the hatred of the wealthy and connected

Time for the Dems to earn the hatred of the wealthy and connected
Jackson and Wilson were real ogres. Being woke is the penance of the Democrats. FDR triangulated the socialists into the fringes by embracing social democracy. The rich objected publicly but went along because real control of industry by workers was becoming popular. The latter will never be imposed publicly. It must win, company by company.

$100,000 a year is not rich. It is not even upper middle class. Being rich, which means living off of assets more than labor, takes an income of $500,000 a year.  Enacting an asset value added tax is the way to bring about socialism by zero rating sales to ESOPs and COOPs. This will only happen if the rich see something in it for them. They will if they realize that their kids will pay for the lost revenue the GOP has engineered.

If Joe goes with tax reform, his never-Trump supporters will go along. Ideally, SALT will stay repealed in a stripped-down salary surtax, if only because state income taxes will go away entirely. The rich and upper-middle are leaving the GOP in record numbers because it has embraced the racism of Wilson and the unwokeness of Limbaugh. Let it die. Any Sanders break away social populist wing will also be woke. Being woke is now the main stream.

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