Thursday, April 16, 2020

Links for 4/16/20

Links for 4/16/20
Consumer culture exists to provide a better cage to stop workers from revolting against capitalists. Read more Marx. Whether social distancing helps or kicks the can down the road depends on whether carriers evolve into carriers if immunity. In that case, the unselfish action us to get sick, quarentine and recover.

How do you put Trump's name on an electronic deposit? No one who gets a hard check will vote for Trump, if they vote at all (especially if checks come late).

Corday's musings discount the incentive to stay home until minimum wages go up to exceed benefit levels. He also ignores (as do most economists) the very real possibility if profound inflation as more money chases a shrinking pool of goods and services.

Francis has not slowed down curial reform and the enhanced role of the Council of 8. Mire radical reform needs to wait until God uses SARS-2 (the little noticed new name of COVID-19) to thin the ranks of the St. John Paul bishops. He has already had and recovered from it.

Picking Abrams would be like picking Palin. Picking Warren would too. It would alienate the never-Trumpers who are not never-Pencers.  If the Midwest is important, Amy cuts off Pence at the knees. If Trump does make it through to the election, he cannot win. In that case, Kamala, a long-time friend of Joe, is the obvious choice.

Late-term abortion and trans bathrooms are settled issues and should be portrayed as such, thus showing why attention from the right is crass. The hard core social conservatives are hierarchists who will only vote for Trump unless SARS 2 gets them first. They also would never vote for a ticket with a woman on it.

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