Monday, August 5, 2019

Democrats have moral obligation to talk about health care intelligently

Democrats have moral obligation to talk about health care intelligently
The 2018 election was not so much about health care as not trusting Trump on health care. He needs to be stopped in the primaries. Until the Midwestern bishops give up on the lie that voting pro-life has any impact on Roe, we are in danger of keeping him in office, regardless of Democratic proposals to expand health care reform.

One party cannot do reform alone. Even in the Democratic Party of 2009, compromises were made (sadly, they accommodated members who retired or lost anyway).

Some kind of cost control is necessary while providing universal coverage.  Coverage must include all immigrants, so solving health care requires compromise on immigration too.

Single-payer catastrophic funded by an employer payroll or consumption tax fits that bill.  Employers can provide an additional health savings account or comprehensive coverage. Medicaid beneficiaries and those with pre-existing conditions uncoverable by employer comprehensive plans would be funded by a public option. Senior Medicaid is moved to Medicare and federalized.

Any broad based program should be funded by a broad based tax, but with no income cap. This will also fund a middle class level negative income tax for each side. Such a credt prevents most abortions too, since Roe cannot be repealed. High income surtaxes would be used to pay net interest and paydown debt, not fund current operations.

Such a non-partisan plan can be passed after the election, but why wait? That is the real question at the heart of our politics.

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