Wednesday, August 7, 2019

After weekend of mass killings, we have to decide what we are called to do

After weekend of mass killings, we have to decide what we are called to do
Last night, Rachel Maddow highlighted the previous Southern Poverty Law Center strategy of going after groups that encourage this violence. The suit was just filed in Charlottesville. Also, anyone who denounces the SPLC is flying racist colors. Call them on it.

Chaput and MAGA are on the way out. MAGA is about 20 funerals away from being gone. Chaput is unlikely to get a reprieve, since Cardinal Sean is likely the gatekeeper on that.

The 24-hour news cycle is part of the problem. Ending wall-to-wall coverage takes away noteriety that hate groups crave. Trump tweets and rallies should not be covered at all. That would bother Trump to no end.

Vice President Pence could end all of this by exercising his 25th Amendment duty. His lack of moral courage in this era makes him morally responsible. The pro-life movement is equally so by propping up both Trump and Pence. The Church is responsible for its involvement in this. Anyone who supports the charade that we are one vote away from repealing Roe, when this is demonstrably a lie, also shares the guilt. There are 8 pro-Roe Justices, including the last 4 GOP appointees. That means no Roe case will ever be heard again.

As for the guns, a simple FAR clause prohibiting manufacture and sale of guns and ammo to civilians would not only work, it would be constitutional as providing for the regulation of militias. Mass murder is not freedom. We need laws because people are not angels; not even Catholics. We have met the enemy and it is us.

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