Friday, July 12, 2019

Newly elected, very blue Democrats put the party at risk

Newly elected, very blue Democrats put the party at risk
AOC is not the first back benched to realize her only power is celebrity. It fades and if she survives, her tone will moderate as her power increases. Millenials will also change their politics as they grow older, but will still stay to the left, especially on social issues. As for economic issues, she is the kind of Democratic Socialist the party needs.

AOC no more endangers the party than the TEA party caucus endangered the GOP. The only question is how well the leadership manages them. The GOP managed them badly. Pelosi knows what she is doing. The TEA Party back benchers had their three terms and found out that there would be no revolution and they had become caricatures of themselves.

Race became an issue because old people, like Trump, were stoked by Fox News and Rush. This is a temporary problem and why the Dems won. They will be a temporary problem for moderate conservatives, who may either come back to the GOP or move to the Clinton-Pelosi wing of the Democrats.

Fiscal issues are what drive parties. The Hastert Rule became an thing because moderate Democrats voted with Democrats in Clinton fiscal issues. The Hastert rule gave the TEAists their power. Without them, the economics of the GOP have even grown fuzzy. The fight over spending is now over. Top tax rates now hover between 37% and 39%.

TEA party extremism made spending too low and there is bipartisan agreement on increasing them and tweeking entitlements. The only real issue is whether non-wage income is taxed at 20% or 25%. The right answer is 27%. Once the children of the rich realizes that they are most at risk because of out of control debt, there will be agreement in raising taxes to appropriate levels.

As for abortion, it will soon become a non-issue. Once economic issues are settled at the top, wedge will go away. Indeed, with an 8 vote majority supporting Roe, it was going away anyway. The lie that this was ever an issue is about to be laid bare.

There are more basic issues of how money is a symptom, not the cause of the imbalance of power in society. That is where AOC and her Squad have it right and they are now the yeast for that to change. The Future is Calling.

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