Saturday, June 2, 2018

The 9.9 percent worship themselves and their lifestyles
MGB:_It is not just the 9.9% that like their exclusive neighborhoods. The next 30% do so too. While the 9.9% have an impressive seventy-three percent of net wealth, the next thirty percent hold the next twenty-three percent, leaving about five percent for everyone else. The secret is that the wealth of the top 9.9 is the debt owed by the bottom sixty percent, whether it is monetary debt, like credit cards and mortgages, or the debt of obedience as employees. (Which is why the agents of the rich believe in work programs for the poor). The wealth of the top 40% is the domination of the bottom masses, even if the upper middle twenty percent only have a better job and buy into the system with hopes of moving up to the next 10% and maybe the top, eventually (although it is unlikely).

This is why it is hard for the rich person to enter the kingdom of God. God’s kingdom is with the sixty percent. It was then, it is now. That is why he talked at length about justice and less about sin. Sin is an easy topic for the top 40%. Poverty provides temptation to vice. Wealth avoids it, save the vice of callousness, which in Matthew 25 is the sin of the goats.

The answer is not just moving income, it is moving power and eliminating interest to make the financial system of mortgage and consumer debt impossible. This will require a revolution, not a political one with Bernie Sanders style social democracy, but maximum cooperation, both in working and in consumption. When the workers control the earns of consumption, the 9.9% don’t matter.

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