Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Links for 6/27/18

MGB:_Not serving Sanders crosses a line I don’t like crossed. Shout her down like my colleagues in DSA did to the DHS Secretary and that fascist Miller are better options.

I would have loved it if Cupich had said Sessions should resign, but the Cardinal probably sees that as leaving his own lane. It is in mine, however. Sessions should resign, provided he is not replaced, which would be bad for Mueller. Interesting, eh?

ICE is not the problem. The Border Patrol is by obstructing justice in blocking migrants for getting to officials to apply for asylum. FBI agents tell me this is being investigated.

An intendent PR likely gets more aid.

Burke was the same class of reactionary as Hayek or Nietzsche or Rand (both Ayn and Paul) that believed the system was designed to benefit the worthy. Wanting Weld is like wanting Colin Powell. It is a fantasy until they shoot their rabid dog.

Sail on Charles, who always seemed to know which way the right wing wind was blowing and came about accordingly.

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