Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Ed Whelan uncertain about facts of labor union case
MGB:_Reading National Review under its current publishers is always the begining of a mistake. Reading Ed is worse. Still, marriage and abortion are basede on 14th Amendment law regulating the powers of the states in private matters. Dealing with Unions is not a private matter but it is a federal one. Like other employers, states cannot union bust at will, but it is federal labor law, not the Constitution, that protects the rights of workers.

Christian prudential judgment does not enter into the outcome of either kind of case. Dignitas Humanae gives the Church no authority but to compel an outcome, although it can certainly argue if it knows the law, which it misunderstands on Roe.

Roe is good law, even if you don’t like the outcome. Abortion cannot be regulated but when you decide at what point abortion becomes infanticide andwhen  you are willing to punish mothers, you can grant legal recognition to the child, aain uder the 14th Amendment. Catholics cannot have or encourage abortion. Their opinion on what others do is irrelavant because this is not an issue until someone makes a realistic proposal. (And OMB Circulars provide for accouting audit standards to oveturn the argument that PPUSA funds are in any way fungible).

The Church’s AFSCME legal argument would be more compelling if it allowed the NEA a place at the table in Catholic Schools. Whelan is just crying foul because his fellow reactionaries seem to be going off book.  Ed is defending the Republican machine, not the unborn. It is why most regard the pro-life movement as a scam. If the Church dropped out of the scam and allowed the unions in, the public funds would follow. It is the kind of compromise the GOP would never stand for.

The die is probably cast on any AFSCME case if this Court treats it like it treated affirmative action and the Voting Rights Act. It is probably also cast on the fate of the GOP, having hooked its wagon to the mean clown, it will meet the mean clown’s fate, unless it is smart enough to get rid of him before November. This union, because it cannot strike, relies on politics, including influencing who it deals with. Not even hobbling it will save the Republicans from a well-deserved fate. Paprocki is quite obviously also a partisan Republican hiding behind his purple robes to baptize his and their reactionary views. He needs to findn a new job. Maybe baking cakes for gay weddings as a penance.

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