Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Links for 2/13/18

MGB:_The Church does speak about the right to organize, especially by employers who are not the Church. The second you suggest that Catholic schools should invite the National Education Association, with its strongly held pro-choice platform, into Catholic schools the response is a deafening no. I would love to see the look on any bishop’s face were he told that his union contract prohibited firing an employee who has married a same-sex spouse. As for particular bishops, I suspect that Whelan has made the acquaintance of those who are most adamant on these issues, as well as being reflexively against the democratic socialism implied in recent Encyclicals on economic justice. Many are in the vanguard of the bishops who held up Donald Trump as a hero of the pro-life movement, with some results in the Midwest.  He can be pardoned for his confusion about what could be called the Republican Catholic Church.

Hillary lost because Black Lives Matter thought they could withhold direct support and not have Trump win. The numbers show that black voters came out as if Kerry were the candidate, no Obama. Any other losses in the Midwest came from arguing about partial birth abortion in the debates rather than mocking the pro-life movement as the Republican Party at prayer. Hillary was running because it was her turn. Most of her potential rivals saw it that way. Bernie did not, but it is now the Bernie core that is going against the traditional machine that sometimes lets a senior member have a what they see as a well deserved turn.

Trump’s misogynistic unfitness for office is fair game, as is his racism. He is a plane crash. You can’t look away. His actions on immigration are the same thing, although he mostly unleashed the hounds, they were already rabid.

It is not just running against Trump, it is running against the members of the House who are actively obstructing any action against him. While it would be lovely for Democrats to adopt a more democratically socialist platform, it won’t help them in the swing districts they need to at least try to send an impeachment trial to the Senate (under the Speakership of Mrs. Clinton).

Philosophy and Theology Departments are quite linked at many Catholic Universities. Many of them still live in fear of the CDF going after their latest book. It was not that long ago when they forced out Fr. Curran over teachings on Masturbation, even though what he was saying was reflecting what was happening in Confessional. How is Catholic Philosophy going to speak truth to power when it cannot even speak truth to its misguided bishops? There is absolutely no rationale for not ordaining women using philosophical reasoning. Without resorting to superstition, it is a slam dunk to do so, yet the hierarchy will cry foul for even making a free throw on the subject. We need more free thinking within the Church before it can rise up and fill the role of public philosopher. Indeed, the kind of public philosophy we need probably should not come from anyone with a philosophy or theology degree. It is time to look outside the club.

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