Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Links for 2/6/18

MGB:_You must have a car to buy groceries, even if you order them from the store someone must deliver them and often that person is an Uber driver. There are people who own cars because they drive Uber or Lyft. Many find that to be worth it rather than driving a Taxi.

Ryan believes in Rand, whose economics glorifies employers and asset holders as more essential than workers and consumers, which flows from Hayek and the Austrians, Neitzsche and Burke. It takes no moral courage to defend the wealthy. This gives us asset bubbles in oil futures, mortgage securities, stock and Bitcoin. Instead of growth, we get asset inflation and eventual market crashes. 2008, here we come!

Were Poles included in the SS? Did the camps use civil servants? These are matters for historians, but the nationalists should not be able to ban the truth where it is found.

Solidarity is the solution for both usury and monopsony, both of which are features of capitalism. Employee-owned firms and cooperatives need to have workers control the means of consumption, especially regarding money and credit.,

Alabama has a pro-choice Democratic Senator. The question is not recruiting pro-life candidates in Red States, but in explaining how much a scam the opposition to Roe really is. The 20 week ban is a start down that road, but it is missing many elements to being something that can pass (maybe 20, maybe 25, add $1000 per month child tax credit and authorize the ban in the 14th Amendment, thus ending the discussion).

I am all for maximizing shareholder value if employees and retirees hold all the shares and effectively control them. Then it is not only Davos Man but Cambridge Man that will find themselves extinct.

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