Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Links for 12/05/17

MGB:_Berkowitz is an unabashed neo-conservative Zionist, as is MSW. Gradualism is no better for Palestine than it was in the American South or South Africa. While some Palestinians are Beduin and some Egyptian, others were Samaritan Christians before being forced to accept Islam. Of course, all three are human and must be treated as such. They are not cogs in the Israeli economy by day and terrorists by night. There are two main choices. Full citizenship as Israelis (and no more restrictions on Arabs regarding government or military service) or a separate nation, including portions of the Arab North, which will be shifted to a larger Pan-Arab state (although that ties reform to a solutionn for Syria, probably a Hashemite one).

The new legislation may not sink in until the new withholding tables come out and for most, there is little difference until tax filing season. Those that use preparers or software may not notice at all. The second order effects will be more immediate, when CEOs earn their bonuses by keeping worker wagest stagnant, altough stagnation is hard to notice, especially when you blame it on health insurance premiums. The possible change to abortion law will be what gets noticed, because the bill, for one tax benefit, defines in utero children as eligible, which is enough to put Article IX of Roe v. Wade at risk without discussing it first.

Kaveny does not mention denying Communcion to Catholic politicians (which is seditious because the relevant Bishop is papal appointee). She also does not mention the fact that rigorism is based on a a faulty reading of Corrinthians. Unworthy reception is not linked to sinfulness but lack of belief in Who is recieved. Her focus is marriage. Once my wife was told to divorce me by her mother, it was over. Indeed, it was over when she asked. This is more common than we know. Indeed, our Lord hints at it in Mark. Some spouses never leave their families.

Since Mark Silk’s article, the Supreme Court has lifted the stay on the travel ban until they can hear the case. Of course, this may moot the case by the time they rule. My question is, if he can use his authority in immigration law for Mulsim ban, why was it wrong for Obama to give special treatment to Dreamers? It seems like the same kind of thing.

There is no way to do a write-in candidacy in one week, even if Moore demures. The Senate may expel him and the Governor replace him with another Republican, maybe the interim Senator, but the likely outcome is a Democratic pickup that will be temporary, but well deserved. Mitch needs to be on his best behavior. Badly behaved Majority Leaders have had defections before, including Mitch. I doubt he learned his lesson the last time. Maine, Alaska and Arizona may be vulnerable to change. Aside from contiuing resolutions, only one bill has been passed. Given that workload, the size of the margin is almost irrelevant.

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