Wednesday, December 27, 2017

2017 alters the landscape of the US church
MGB:_I very much agree that appointments matter, as do removals. We were a few shy on the latter, which is why Cardinal Cupich did not get a chance to do a staff shake up at Pro-Life Activities, even though it is badly needed to disentangle it from the GOP. I will believe change as come when everone hired by Doerflinger has retired. Supporting keeping the ACA was good, but that was from the bishops, not staff. There is still too much overt Republicanism in the Conference. Its stances on immigration have been good, but not surprising. A few more of the notably pro-life bishops calling immigration a life issue for scoring by the NRLC would show real change, that and calling for a higher Child Tax Credit. Much higher.  Getting Amoris right will be good. Like Immigration and and Health, I am not sure it is universal. No one has really staked out fresh, modern ground on these issues. The right wing is right, there is doctrinal change needed, but the anti-modernists won’t like it.  Hopefully some of the resistence will come because of a change of heart rather than simply by a dying off. That takes a willingness to keep standing for truth, which makes all things new.

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