Thursday, July 20, 2017

How does the Civilta Cattolica article challenge the left?

How does the Civilta Cattolica article challenge the left?: Distinctly Catholic: Self-criticism is hard, but necessary. And while the article examines extreme conservative elements, you can find some of the same attributes on the Catholic left.

MGB:_Non-violent action brings about eschaton. Black Lives Matter is an attempt, until the anarchists show up. Indivisible is a huge non-violent event, from the large marches to the demonstrations at congressional offices. If only our brothers in Palestine could do the same without being shot at. Stop with the false equivalency. Next.

It is true that Catholics will not speak out against the prospect that abortion is a women’s rights issue rather than simply a liberty issue (and there is a difference). The women’s rights side sees bodily integrity as the main concern, as well personal empowerment. The liberty issue is less radical. It simply recognizes that banning abortion is unworkable in the criminal law and, by the way, Roe was not wrongly decided. The 14th Amendment really does not protect the unbrn prior to viability and it is Congress, not the states, who can alter its terms.

Where we really differ from the pro-life movement is seeking funding for children AFTER they are born, from adequate government programs to an increase in the Child Tax Credit to living wage levels of $1000 per month per child (I hope the rest of the left jumps on). The right wing opposes such an increase as rewarding sexual behavior with their money. Excuse me, but didn’t God say be fruitful and multiply? (Of course, it was Marx who said to each according to their need. I am fine with that).

Bless the funding spent to counter the Organization for Marriage. OM has a bad argument, because gay families often have children or seek more, are sexually functional and like heterosexuals, perform the sacrament themselves (even without priests). OM practices bad theology and must be denounced at evert turn. Do you know what progressive groups without money are called? The Green Party.

The Apocalyptic impulse is a form of prophesy, which sees that God is the only hope of rescue from a corrupt age. Divine punishment is sure to come if gay marriage or legal abortion or allowed or if Trump is allowed to continue as President or if Medicaid is gutted so our future nursing home care becomes a Hell hole (and as single men, MSW, that is where we are headed, just to give you some skin in the game, your own). Ad hominem is hard to avoid with Trump, because it is his intellect and personality that are flawed, not his policies, which seem to change by the day.

As a libertarian socialist, I favor allowing cooperative employers to experiment with alternative delivery, which is true subsidiarity, but I also demand that they do so with adequate funding, as I demand with state level solutions. You can give states freedom to run Medicaid as they see fit without ending their entitlement. Ryan is using subsidiarity as a budget cutting tool. Shame on him and God bless Indivisible for stopping McConnell cold at every turn.

An examination of conscious is good, especially if it shows you are doing the right thing.

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