Friday, July 28, 2017

Can the church change its focus from rules to people?

Can the church change its focus from rules to people?: NCR Today: Pope Francis seems to be focusing on people and their needs, as the center of church decision making, while others seem to still be focused on a body of rules.

MGB: The same people who resist gluten free wafers (I had no idea hosts had gluten, usually without leaven it does not form) also say that women are not appropriate matter to say the Mass.  I can appreciate rules to keep the celebration of the Mass universal, but there is no need to be small minded on either front.  As for dogma, that is ancient and is true because was a Church we agreed to it being true (not because we had some actual knowledge of God).  Moral rules are good as long as they make life more human - easier.  They must also be based on reason, not authority because authority that ignores reason has neither, as we found with Humanae Vitae and calling gays intrinsically disordered.  That is sophistry, not morality.  Some Catholic practices should be suppressed, like Continence, which is a scandal against marriage and women.

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