Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Republican health care proposal, it's not about human dignity

Republican health care proposal, it's not about human dignity: Distinctly Catholic: Republicans have a hard time reforming insurance programs which are, in their very nature, redistributive. Alas, the GOP's libertarian instincts have kicked in.

MGB: I wish the bishops would consider human autonomy as part of human dignity, which seems to be the prime GOP value. The problem is discussing autonomy gives an option for the rich rather than the poor.  The young v. old changes are there as an incentive to get young people to chose the plan. I can see the logic, but the premium differential goes too far.

Block granting Medicaid and all aid to states is a long term goal. They would rather the states raise their taxes. The logic is simplistic, especially for those states where poverty and dark skin are synonymous. The plan is more racist than libertarian and must be opposed. It is also the biggest place to offset tax cuts to the rich. The only other option is to repeal corporate income tax exclusions for comprehensive insurance for everyone. That is a non-starter.

Medicare for all sounds good until you start paying copays. Medicaid for all would be better. Of course, doing either means either higher payroll taxes or a Value Added Tax.

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