Monday, March 6, 2017

Notre Dame opts for Pence over Trump, rightly so

Notre Dame opts for Pence over Trump, rightly so: Distinctly Catholic: The best reason not to invite Donald Trump to be graduation speaker is that such an invitation would help normalize his presidency and its threat to democracy.

MGB:_There will still likely be protests over a member of the Trump Administration, but they won’t be as intense because Pence is a native son of Indiana. He is the banalilty of the banality of evil in the Trump Administration. Of course, social liberals probably consider Pence to be worse on LGBT and choice issues, mostly because he is a true believer (or at least a longer term panderer), while Trump may or may not believe what he is saying currently. Still, protest would not mar graduation if they represent student self-expression, which would be likely. Graduation is always memorable. Shouting down Trump would make it memorable for all of us. They may yet shout down Pence.

Chaput suggesting that Trump does not know the true nature of the pro life movement is laughable. It is all about the pander. Trump knows that. Chaput is either like Pence, a misinformed true believer, or just a longer term shill for the GOP.

Trump is not invitable to ND because he is a clown. Our three branch system and permanent government prevent him from doing too much damage. He is a blot on the dignity of the office and going to ND would be a blot that the school has wisely avoided.

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