Tuesday, March 14, 2017

On abortion today

On abortion today: I’m afraid that abortion numbers around the world will be going up.

We know the number of abortions decreased in Massachusetts with the advent of Romneycare, the health care insurance law the A...

MGB:_Birth control is not abortion because anyone who understands the details of gastrulation knows that this is a more likely marker of the start of individual life (before then, the genetics of the mother control development). As for the Mexico City policy executive order, it is standard and likely all that Right to Lifers will ever do for the voters that support them. Indeed, it is all they can do. Roe is not going anywhere. The only Federalist Society Justice that believed that abortion should be a state matter is now dead and his replacement will likely vote with Justices Kennedy, Alito and Chief Roberts that this matter is settled law. There are not enough states to ratify the Human Life Amendment and any federal law moving the start of life earlier will likely simply ratify the status quo. In other words, the movement is a fraud because it promises results it can never achieve. (Had Clinton focused on these facts she might have won).

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