Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How money corrupts the Catholic Church | National Catholic Reporter

How money corrupts the Catholic Church | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The problem with public fundraising is that those who do not have a treasure trove of money don't get listened to.  That includes the Church.  That includes my responses to this column.  Because someone does not pay me to make my comments, I am ignored - just as Jesus was ignored because he was a prophet in poverty.

Catholic Charities, Catholic urban charter schools, Catholic Universities and Catholic health get much of their operating budgets from the government to provide services.  It is only in building a new Cathedral, a new Hospital Wing or a new University building that fundraising comes into play.  Sadly, there are raised with cash rather than with debt financing and debt service.  This will continue as long as bishops are the envoys appointed from Rome rather than servant leaders elected by their fellow priests and the sheep of the dioceses.  You can't change one without changing the other.

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