Thursday, March 31, 2016

Taking Liberties with History | National Catholic Reporter

Taking Liberties with History | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The GOP hardly knows its own history.  Viewing some of the writing of Lincoln on the evils of capitalism, one cannot but think that Honest Abe had read a little Marx - or agreed with a bit of it, certainly adopting the first agenda item from the Manifesto - an income tax.  Also, all of the social legislation and court decisions the GOP now decry come from a 14th Amendment written and ratifiied by the radical Republicans.  Of course, in this day and age, those people - including Lincoln, would be Sanders Democrats.

Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott, Jesse Helms and George Wallace would have no place in the Democratic Party today - although they were the loudest voices of segregationism.  While some old segregationists simply shut up and served their Senate terms out as Democrats, the virulent ones became members of the GOP - a little history that Republicans are loathe to admit - even now as they are beseiged by racists in the Trump camp.  When you lie with dogs, you get up with fleas.

One wonders whether Sanger would be a Trump voter - especially since just a few elections ago, while exploring a run, claimed that he was 100% pro-choice.  Lets see if the pro-life movement and the bishops remember that bit of history.

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