Thursday, March 10, 2016

Links for 03/10/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 03/10/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: If you want to read a masterful takedown of the GOP, see Tony Annet's Commonweal piece. Rob Dreher in the American Conservative, repeats the attacks Catholics have sent in regarding the Neoconservatism of the National Review authors, especially on Iraq, where again they were Republcian before being Catholic. Here is my reaction to the National review piece from Tuesday's links: " The old motto used to be Pro Deo et Patria. Now its for God and Party. In either case, there was always some doubt as to whether God came first on the list. At least the Democrats don't prostitute the Church for their political ends. As for Trump, this is likely to little, too late. If these Republicans believe in country, they will have to vote for Clinton or Sanders."

Anytime Politico writes about Democrats, I consider that I am reading from a hostile witness.   The author called it a draw while fairly obviously dissing Clinton.  Of course, that does not mean she isn't messing up.  She is now admitting herself that she is not that great of a politician. I could have told you that a year ago.  Neither were George H.W. Bush or Herbert Hoover, who had similar resumes and no gift for electoral politics. There is a difference between keeping to the agenda and being the one set it.  At this late stage, I would certainly like to see some agenda items from HRC, aside from staff driven ones like her tax plan.

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