Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Pro-Life Movement & the Blizzard It Created | National Catholic Reporter

The Pro-Life Movement & the Blizzard It Created | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The sponsors of the March for Life should see this blizzard as a sign from God to quit chasing the dubious victory of overturning Roe (which would have the effect of de-nationalizing equal protection law - something that cannot be allowed) and seeking a legislative solution for the second and third trimesters (at least specifying that abortions in these terms, or at least post assisted viability, be conducted by induction rather than D&X and D&C).  First trimester abortions are impossible to stop through criminal law without requiring a death certificate and a possible witch hunt for every miscarriage (that is what equal protection would do if you made first trimester embryos legal people).

As for the Church's involvement - I suspect the reason the NRLC does not post its board information is because too many Catholic bishops are on it.  The movement certainly gets lots of funding from the Church, as the Lenten Appeal funds Catholic pro-life groups, probably in their entirety.  Such a coalition is as important as NARAL-Pro Choice America and Emily's list (and I am quite sure there are bundling campaigns for the pro-life cause).  Note well that the start of most appeals is soon after January 22nd.

There is more than one way to skin a cat.  Mostly abortions happen because the child would disrupt the marriage, education or career of the mother.  Treat these problems by enacting a child tax credit large enough to take care of the child and have husbands look the other way in adultery - and have Catholic and other schools, as well as employers, accomodate teen mothers and fathers in their educations and careers while having the child (instead of trying to send the message that doing so is cooperating with the evil of pre-marital sex - a message which causes abortion) and you will find plenty of feminist supporters, but probably not so many Republicans.

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