Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Links for 01/13/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 01/13/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Happy conferencing to environmental Catholics gathering in New York this weekend.

Opinionator and academic philosophy departments notwithstanding, philosophy, like theology, can actually still be done everywhere - with special thanks to Al Gore for inventing the Internet so that we can at least try to get our studies out for discussion. Additionally, all academic departments consider their doctorates to be of philosophy - sadly in the social sciences - which is much more relevant nowadays to questions of the good life - truth has become equated with regression analysis - essentially philosophy is now more math than anything else. Pity that - and pity on the Governor of Kentucky for messing with poor people. As some philosophers would say - bad Karma. I don't even want to get into Osteen's Karma, which is the politically correct way to say that I agree that he and his followers are sabotaging their after-lives.

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