Friday, September 25, 2015

Pope Francis at Catholic Charities | National Catholic Reporter

Pope Francis at Catholic Charities | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: What he says about there being no reason for not enough housing, he is correct.  There is only human error in the way - politicians who are afraid to raise taxes, NIMBY neighbors who don't want a group home next door, builders who will only use the finest materials and the newest designs, pricing moderately incomed people out of the housing market.  I could go on and I hope some one else does too.  Maybe Catholic Charities will take the hint and raise some money for more housing - much more - both as a section 8 landlord when no one else will and as an advocate for more section 8 money.  Lets see if they internalize what was said in their own house as applying not just to the politicians but the them.

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