Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Links for 09/29/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 09/29/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I will keep saying until some debates my points (and after) that it is not individualism that is the problem - its luxury and the desire for power over others.  If you want the economic poltiical term, its capitalism.

On Bloomberg, Walker is out because he was an awful campaigner. The other gains came from workers beig convinced that the Union is right for them - but the success was through work, not public relations.

The link to Chicago magazine takes you to Bloomberg, but MSW spoke about it before.  It does not hurt that the Vatican supports trade unionism.  Yet another reason the Democratic Party has been both Catholic and pro-union - although dealing with teachers unions in the Church is the next essential step in defusing what is, at times, a tense relationship - particularly on the non-issue of abortion (issues must actually have some possible future action attached to them to be current).   Gone are the days when the sisters would almost volunteer time to teach - we now need to recruit competively, expect collective bargaining and protections and be willing to ignore outside political activity by the union, which would be changed with Catholic teachers on board.

The AFL-CIO review of the trip shows that it is the unions who wish less involvement with the Church.  Finding the money quotes by Lincoln, King, Day and Merton was wonderful, although Merton did not have a death bed, as he died in a tragic electocusion on a shower floor in Tokyo.

Happy Michaelmas to us all. Time to go get an angel food cake for desert.

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