Wednesday, July 23, 2014

MSW on Marsden | National Catholic Reporter

MSW on Marsden | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: An interesting review of what is likely an interesting book.  Book reviews, of course, are dangerous because for some it is an invitiation to buy the book and for the rest it gives us enough information not to but to talk about it anyway.  That part of the Enlightenment - Encyclopedias, Journals and Cliff Notes lives on.  Indeed, every generation of political scientists, sociologists, historians and those who simply take those courses as an elective are exposed to the Enlightenment and will take from it what they find useful - especially if they study Grid Group Theory - which puts all political, social, economic and religious thought into perspective.  Indeed, the birth of sixties radicalism came in the fifties.  While some Evangelicals think of the Fifties as a Golden Age, I suspect that even outside of campuses, the roots of the Sixties were part of the Fifties.  Conservatives might have liked Ike, but Ike like the Autobahn - and when it was done the mobility of the Sixties were possible, as well as an expansion of the federal financial system that made Medicare and the Great Society possible.  FDR had a long run and he changed everything and Ike did not change it back.  Sadly Reagan tried is best in the 80s, but even those changes will not be permanent.  When Marxism was under attack under Senator McCarthy, his self-congratulatory witch hunts forever ended the chance of another Red Scare and made campus radicalism possible. More, not less, is possible on that front as we Occupy America.  As for Culture, let us not forget what was originally called "race music" and shortly became the dominant cultural form for self expression that we of a certain age call Rock and Roll.   Do I need to even mention that teens and collegiates really were having sex in the 50s?

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