Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Gay Groups Back Off ENDA, but Why? | National Catholic Reporter

Gay Groups Back Off ENDA, but Why? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Agreed, it is failure to bring the case or insist on the law that has made this struggle go on far too long - both for ENDA and Marriage Equality.  The truth is, they could immediately initiate law suits in all states with a marriage protection law and amendment  and win them all - including and especially in Virginia.  Doing so would not strain their finances, because you get paid when you win.  Winning in all places forecloses any Supreme Court case tghat could undo it and would cut off at the knees the symbolism of a loss at SCOTUS that could be thei impetus for a constitutional amendment nullyfiying equality - which has no chance of passing anyway.  While some religious groups might benefiit from an ENDA exemption or use the RFRA to justify one, the Catholics probably could not do so with a "straight face" given its large population of gay priests (albeit mostly celibate ones).  Of course, the cynical argument is that victory on ENDA and Marriage essentially makes them an enforcement law firm or even ends their ability to keep their doors open.  Sad.

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