Thursday, December 5, 2013

Notre Dame refiles suit against HHS mandate | National Catholic Reporter

Notre Dame refiles suit against HHS mandate | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Sebelius was thrust into this by the White House, through Senior Adisor Valerie Jarrett.  To continue to blame her for this flap when the truth is out there is Calumny.  Further, birth control itself is part of the mandatory coverage in any preventative plan and has been for 13 years - way before Obama took office.  The only thing different is the copayment.  They legal question of whether the government can treat different ministries differently is an interesting one.  The answer is yes, especially in labor law.  Would Notre Dame or MSW prefer instead requiring that individual parishes cover contraception?  (I suspect more do than you think - Catholic Charities USA certainly does - or at least did - as do many hospitals and probably many universities - the Catholic ones - most likely because they did not ask or were told that the Civil Rights Act required them to - which it does).

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