Comments on Distinctly Catholic by Michael Sean Winters at National Catholic Reporter.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Year End Review: Washington | National Catholic Reporter
Year End Review: Washington | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: You can't have it both ways. Kerry can't be having a great year while the boss he serves is having a bad one. As far as the ACA - he essentially got the bishops to shut up on birth control for the most part and while the officer about 4 levels below him (the CMS CTO) made a mess of the web site roll out and has been fired - keep in mind that the site is up and running and people are signing up for insurance - including in states that have no connection to the US site. (note that there would be no US website if states had not been given a choice on doing their own). Obama did not actually have one grand bargain with Congress - he had two. The first and most significant was enactment of the ATRA - which exactly enacted the tax provisions he ran on in 2008. The second was a budget deal that Boehner and Ryan supported - much to the chagrin of Tea Party Republicans. One can argue that no deal should ever be made with such people who represent a constituency that is very open about the fact that they consider Obama illegimate because of his race. I care not what such yahoos think.
Same-Sex Marriage & Religious Liberty | National Catholic Reporter
Same-Sex Marriage & Religious Liberty | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The problem in Uganda are clergy who are figting modernity and who identify gay rights with that movement - and the fact that the clergy and politicians in Uganda are in cahoots with C Street - aka The Family. Sometimes freedom of religion really is best served when Church and State are kept separate. That can truly be said about C Street in the US, Uganda and the anti-modernists in the Anglican Communion and the USCCB on their Fortnight for Freedom.
Year End Review: The Church | National Catholic Reporter
Year End Review: The Church | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The big discontinuity is that this Pope is not using such opaque language as continuities and discontinuities. He is more in your face - from how he lives to what he says about economics - as well as his very overt plan to reform the Curia with his "Gang of Eight - including Cardinal O'Mally. As far as Wuerl, I had not heard that Cardinal McCarrick had said anything about Evangelii Gaudium. (are you talking about Dolan?)
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
A Blessed, Eucharistic, Merry Christmas | National Catholic Reporter
A Blessed, Eucharistic, Merry Christmas | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I remember when the new Mass came in and that they moved Jesus (I was 4 or 5) - now the same Tabernacle is in a different room altogether (so much for the GIRM). Finding Jesus in the Eucharist is wonderful, but finding him in the face of the poor is essential - as his throne was a manger and later a cross. This is why "True Pressence" Churches celebrate the Eucharist on Christmas - and woe to those who don't. In many cases, they are unlikely to want to see Christ in the poor - or at all. (Love the comment on it not being relavent that Jesus might not have been born in December - glad MSW is paying attention). At 5pm I turned on EWTN for Papa Francisco's first Christmas Mass. Sadly, it was almost over and they were putting Christ in the manger scene. What was wonderful is that he did not need a cart to get around! God has truly blessed the Church this year. Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 23, 2013
A Priest Answers the Synod Questionnaire | National Catholic Reporter
A Priest Answers the Synod Questionnaire | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I suspect they will only be blunt if it does not keep them of a tierna - which is why the laity - and gasp - the Sisters - must be asked.
Cardinal Sean To The Rescue | National Catholic Reporter
Cardinal Sean To The Rescue | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The reason to disenfranchise these people without arranging for them to have a home it to facilitate their use as slaves in the cane fields, along with more recently procured Hatians. There is quite the similiarity to the Anchor baby issue in the United States and attempts to disenfranchise them - sometimes going back more than a generation. Of course, in the United States, Anchor babies came up in 2010 - just when Lindsey Graham was about to make a deal with the Democrats and get immigration reform passed. The new initiative did what it was designed to do - stop reform so that workers for Food, Inc. would be kept in the shadows, where they can't unionize, report bad conditions or demand fair wages. Its about Capitalism more than it is about Racism.
A Trip Down Memory Lane | National Catholic Reporter
A Trip Down Memory Lane | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: After my wife and I got married, my mother would usually visit my sister's place in Gaithersburg, although she would sometimes visit my brother and his husband in Dallas or before my other brother got married, his family at a gathering in Oregon. After she passed we gathered with my sister, but this year we are scattered - many to someplace warm. My other brother, the cook, is staying home, as I am to work at the Theater XMAS day.
On the Enclyclopedia question, I am not sure Brittanica of the 1970 edition would have been as devout as Comptons and I am quite sure no one is listing the fact that Christ was likely born in either March or April of 6 BC, depending on the astrological theory used to duplicate what the Magi would have calculated in making their pilgrimage. I prefer the April. Of course, its possible use so near to Easter has too many implications for reincarnation - which is why we celebrate now - having Christ displace the Sun as the light that ends the winter darkness.
On the Enclyclopedia question, I am not sure Brittanica of the 1970 edition would have been as devout as Comptons and I am quite sure no one is listing the fact that Christ was likely born in either March or April of 6 BC, depending on the astrological theory used to duplicate what the Magi would have calculated in making their pilgrimage. I prefer the April. Of course, its possible use so near to Easter has too many implications for reincarnation - which is why we celebrate now - having Christ displace the Sun as the light that ends the winter darkness.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Defending the ERDs | National Catholic Reporter
Defending the ERDs | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The problem would be not if the hospital acted according to the ERD, but if they perceived that they could not contrary to the one on abortion without the local bishop coming down on them. These should be a document of CHA, not the USCCB. The bishops need to stay out of it because they do not have medical degrees nor are they that well versed in the ERDs themselves. The participation of the ACLU is regrettable. This should be settled quietly in negotiations between the insurerer and the patient's malpractice attorney.
Morning's Minion Tackles Samuel Gregg | National Catholic Reporter
Morning's Minion Tackles Samuel Gregg | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Quite simply, Gregg and Acton defend the current economic order because those behind it are on their team, which is also pro-life, despite the fact that they have no earthly clue as to how to really end abortion without bringing out terrible consequences. Indeed, if they really respected life in the womb, they would support the economic and spiritual world Pope Francis is trying to lead the way toward.
Defending Cardinal Wuerl | National Catholic Reporter
Defending Cardinal Wuerl | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Technically, now that the split between east and west has been healed, we are Ecumenical Patriarch Barthalomew Catholics - it just has not been made official. This identification with a particular pope does point to the mindset, however, of why the right wing, the American Spectator, the pro-life movement and espeecially Mr. Neumayr want a more muscular conformity on Communion vis-a-vis abortion. They consider it a group issue, not an issue of individual morality. They think if they get enough people in their group - they will win (regardless of the fact that abortion was not enacted by a vote - with the exception of New York and California - where Reagan signed the law). They would have Communion be a right of group membership (which is why Protestants - even real pressence believers - are excluded). Francis scares them to death - because under their logic if Francis uses the Eucharist to enforce social and economic justice they would be denied Communion. They meditate about that for a while and think about distancing themselves and the pro-life movement from Republican political operations.
Benedict Defends Francis | National Catholic Reporter
Benedict Defends Francis | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Francis has always been clear that he makes no departure from Benedict. This seems to truly be the case on economics (not sure yet on how he will develop on gay marriage when it appears universal). The Marxism discussion is funny considering how many seem to find Marxist tendencies in both Benedict's writings and the beliefs of those who helped him with Caritas in Veritate - probably the same who helped Francis with Evangelii Gaudium.
C. J. Reid on Paprocki | National Catholic Reporter
C. J. Reid on Paprocki | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Let us hope he finds a nice college to ruin - and soon. One hopes that the local Episocpal diocese is experiencing an explosion in conversions and sacraments, rather than simply having Catholics who react to this bishop's political agenda remain unchurched. That would be tragic and a sin I would lay on the head of the bishop. As for the excommunication - it was a failure. The bishop is still there.
Gov. O'Malley on the Environment | National Catholic Reporter
Gov. O'Malley on the Environment | National Catholic Reporter by MSW/ MGB: The Bay is much clearner than the Severn, which is downright dangerous - although the plentiful days of crab and oyseter fishing will never, ever return - even if we could somehow contain the waste from chicken and pork factory farms. Overfishing the Bay was both an individual and a group endeavor which held the seeds of its own destruction. Water harvesting regulations can only help a bit - if they were at all successful there would be another fishing frenzy. As far as the political future of the Governor, I'm really not interested.
Cardinal Francis George | National Catholic Reporter
Cardinal Francis George | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Happy Anniversary to his Emminence. Hopefully someone will get him a copy of Mary Douglas tome Purity and Danger and Elaine Pagels book on Revelation - which demonstrates that this successor won't be imprisoned any time soon, nor will another be killed. As for personal liberty as an element of freedom, civic virtue (not evangelization) is its counter balance. It is not up to the culture to spread the faith - although it would be nice if the Church showed a little civic virtue and set up hospitals for non-violent drug offenders (as opposed to cooperating with Corrections Corporation of America) and a system of non-college prep high schools, rather than leaving this to public education and Head Start.
The Dismal Science | National Catholic Reporter
The Dismal Science | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Something is scientific or not depending on the abitity to measure and test it - which is why, quite regrettably - political science has become more about mathematics than poltics - although the cultural theory movement seems to be making inroads in both areas. It also has some interesting things to say about religion (and undoubedly the sadly named Acton Institute). Elaine Pagels book about Revelation is an example of using cultural theory to interpet scripture (according to Elaine, John of Patmos lost the debate in the end and the Pauline Christians whom he was writing against, won it). If I ever go back to finish my PhD, it will be about Culture, not Economics - although I will likely be bringing math to it.
Here We Go Again: The Debt Ceiling | National Catholic Reporter
Here We Go Again: The Debt Ceiling | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I agree - the debt ceiling should be declared as unconstitutional and ignored for the remainder of time. The only other option is to raise taxes on the rich to top borrowing. Stopping spending has simply made things worse, while increased taxes in 2012 have lead to begining of housing starts and hiring.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
A Tale of Two Interviews | National Catholic Reporter
A Tale of Two Interviews | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I am sure the Pope knows quite a few Marxists, some of whom work in the Curia. One can be a Marxist and not be an atheist. Indeed, if one reads the Introduction of Marx's Capital, it is hard not to notice the similarities to the current economy.
It is good news that he is planning action in February. My bet is a general council - possibly one that invites the Orthodox. I am hard pressed to see how he acts radically without one.
The Curia is not about getting Red, it is about getting White. Like the Ward 3 Democratic Committee, the Curia does stuff between Conclaves - but its real purpose is electing a pope (and running for election - though without appearing to run).
As far as Burke, he would not know good natural law if it bit him. His version is unconnected to human experience and relies on his skewed view of human nature and the first principle that Rome and the bishops have some higher understanding than anyone, clergy or not, who uses right reason. His brand of natural law, like Benedict's, is the height of relativism - and neither of them knows it. Sad.
It is good news that he is planning action in February. My bet is a general council - possibly one that invites the Orthodox. I am hard pressed to see how he acts radically without one.
The Curia is not about getting Red, it is about getting White. Like the Ward 3 Democratic Committee, the Curia does stuff between Conclaves - but its real purpose is electing a pope (and running for election - though without appearing to run).
As far as Burke, he would not know good natural law if it bit him. His version is unconnected to human experience and relies on his skewed view of human nature and the first principle that Rome and the bishops have some higher understanding than anyone, clergy or not, who uses right reason. His brand of natural law, like Benedict's, is the height of relativism - and neither of them knows it. Sad.
George Will vs. Pope Francis | National Catholic Reporter
George Will vs. Pope Francis | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: My father would likely agree with Will and not the Pope. This is more about Will v. Obma than Will v. Francis. The dismal science actually both theorizes and confirms that minimum wage increases do not lead to job loss because such workers mostly toil under monopsonistic working conditinos - meaning that they are paid under their productivity - often by a lot. Experience mostly proves that out, as does the contention that non-minimum wage workers feel the increase because employers mostly raise the entire scale of salaries when the bottom is increased. A famous quote I once saw on Facebook was the if you work the minimum wage your employer is paying you as little as possible without breaking the law.
As for discouraged workers - many simply retired or were able to qualify for disabilitty. While I do blame Obama for not doing something about underwater mortgages, the fact that conditions continued to get worse after his inaugural still says loads about George W. Bush and less about Obama, who did a stimulus bill that was anemic because it had to convince 3 Republican Senators to vote for it.
A living wage is a good idea. The GOP actually has made progress in this area by putting in the EITC and the Child Tax Credit (and then increasing it - Obama confirmed the larger sum). Still, the CTC is about 12 times too low to be a living wage - with each family getting twelve thousand for each child as an addition to payroll. The Church should do that too. If they did, they would not care about the contraceptive coverage of their employees.
As for discouraged workers - many simply retired or were able to qualify for disabilitty. While I do blame Obama for not doing something about underwater mortgages, the fact that conditions continued to get worse after his inaugural still says loads about George W. Bush and less about Obama, who did a stimulus bill that was anemic because it had to convince 3 Republican Senators to vote for it.
A living wage is a good idea. The GOP actually has made progress in this area by putting in the EITC and the Child Tax Credit (and then increasing it - Obama confirmed the larger sum). Still, the CTC is about 12 times too low to be a living wage - with each family getting twelve thousand for each child as an addition to payroll. The Church should do that too. If they did, they would not care about the contraceptive coverage of their employees.
The Burke-Wuerl Difference | National Catholic Reporter
The Burke-Wuerl Difference | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Perhaps the hearts that needed to be changed were those of the Canons. The NCR reditiorial on Dolan and gay marriage it very well. Let us also not discount the influence of Archibishop Emeritus, Theodore Cardinal McCarrick - who headed up the commission that examined this issue. On the Catholic politician side, it is sad that in an effort to not alienate Catholic voters, Catholic politicians do not make a stronger case on the difference between promoting abortion and refusing to use criminal penalties to discourage it - as well was explaining why overturning Roe and sending the matter to the states is a really bad idea (we tried such nonsense with slavery) and would possibly overturn much in the way of equal protection law - although considering that equal protection and privacy also legalized consensual activity by gays and will eventually lead to gay marriage being nationalized - I can see why the culture warriors are not big fans.
The Shake-up In Rome | National Catholic Reporter
The Shake-up In Rome | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I suspect that Leveda had a hand in getting Wuerl on the Congregation, given his invovlement in doctrinal issues in the USCCB. I don't agree with everything he has done, especially in regards to the Religious Freedom publicity stunt, but his stand on Communion for politicians is the polar opposite of Burke, who he appears to be replacing. As far as Rigali, it is good to see John Paul II's American enforcer hitting the road. Putting Wuerl on this Congregation has another benefit - the proximity to the Nuncio. They can literally have lunch and discuss things on a regular basis. I expect with this change that heads are about to roll - chilling the blood of the culture warriors (although Dolan appears to be safe as a cardinal - although having his patron, Rigali, tossed out is not good for him.)
Editorial: The church was not 'out-marketed' on gay marriage | National Catholic Reporter
Editorial: The church was not 'out-marketed' on gay marriage | National Catholic Reporter Dolan is certainly one who lives in fear that Catholic families, especially the ones on his donor list, will demand the Church bless the unions of their gay children, siblings and parents. Now that would be a dilemna.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Wuerl named to bishops' panel; Burke not confirmed | National Catholic Reporter
Wuerl named to bishops' panel; Burke not confirmed | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Getting rid of Burke and passing up Rigali are a good temperature check on where this pope is going. Nice. As for Wuerl, he has backed up the CDF and Leveda - so it is no surprise that they go together into the conference, even though Wuerl may be a bit too conservative (although that could be because he was being watched).
Friday, December 13, 2013
"Unstable, inconsistent, and incoherent" | National Catholic Reporter
"Unstable, inconsistent, and incoherent" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Yes AND because employers are using tax subsidies to provide insurance their refusal to do so is a defacto reversal of Griswold v. Connecticut. The state cannot do that or any of its agents. Period. Also, the ACA only designated that the Institute of Medicine say WHAT comrehensive preventative items are to be free of co-payments. THAT they be provided was decided by the EEOC in December 2000 for ALL policies that cover preventative services - including those contracted by the Church.
Kudos to Indiana Bishops | National Catholic Reporter
Kudos to Indiana Bishops | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I want them to allow their priests to celebrate gay weddings as they see fit according to the needs of the family involved. The can even have some kind of dispensaion couples can sign. Marriages are made by the COUPLE before GOD. The Priest is merely a witness for the Church and community - and he is optional for the validity (though not the licitness) of the sacrament. What the bishops fear is that bishops may start doing these weddings secretly without episcopal sanction. I am simply waiting for the first story to be reported.
One more thing. If they feel the need to Act in Indiana, of all places, the Organization for Marriage has indeed lost.
One more thing. If they feel the need to Act in Indiana, of all places, the Organization for Marriage has indeed lost.
More Trouble for ACA | National Catholic Reporter
More Trouble for ACA | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The ethical answer is that abortion is such a small part of coverage cost for any one business owner or employee that the amount is TOO TRIVIAL for their own moral concern. Whether they wish to make a symbolic point is on them. As for those who would pressure Sebelius - some of us have a sour taste in our mouth on how the bishops behaved before and after the ACA was passed. I am not really willing to lift a finger on an issue that has minimal financial impact. Most abortins - the vast majority - are funded with CASH. Nothing Sebelius has done will change that. Quit demonizing her. It is untoward and unjust. I am not sure who MSW is trying to curry favor with, but its not me. Individual state compliance is way below her paygrade.
Forgetting the Long-Term Unemployed | National Catholic Reporter
Forgetting the Long-Term Unemployed | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Long term unemployment is necessary when there are no jobs. I should know, I have two of them and the one that is permanent is minimum wage - which pays less than the extended unemployment I did have - but which expired after week 77 (now 73). No one is saying anything about what to do with the people formerly called the 99ers. Nothing has ever been done for us, although those who are old enough retire and some seek either disability or SSI and SNAP. At least that did not get cut, which is a triumph. Anyone who lost his or her job in 2008 or 2009 has long since moved beyond extended unemployment. Obama knows this. He knew that if he made it an issue, Congress would be shamed into acting on extended unemployment. He did not know because there is not much he can do. As far as the Great Recession itself, it will linger until those pockets who were supposed to be helped by TARP, where people owe more than their home value, need the most relief. We are finding it today in bankruptcy court - at least for second and third mortgages (aka housing grants). It is accurate to say that on the first mortgage, most are no longer under water. It is also accurate to say that with the end of the sequester and a budget deal - many of us will find real jobs again, either as contractors or federal employees. Boehner and Ryan do deserve some credit - for gettng out of the way.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Tom Roberts at CACG | National Catholic Reporter
Tom Roberts at CACG | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB. I have several immigrant stories, with only the last one with my great grandmother arriving as a Norweigian girl knowing limited English (Yes, No, Help Poiice!) not involving the killing of natives or the benefit of someone else killing them to make room for them (including Plymouth and Jamestown) - although my great grandfather and his wife did grow food for the Union Army as well. These latter never learned English for probably 30 years. I suspect my Jamestown and Plymouth ancestors probably disapproved of my Chezch, Norse and Beligan (Romani) ancestors.
MSW & Bp Cupich Win An "Oscar" | National Catholic Reporter
MSW & Bp Cupich Win An "Oscar" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Congratulations on your "Oscar" - please send them a link to my stuff - especially to their patron, Cardinal Burke. I'm not only looking for their condemnation - I want them to try to publically excommunicate me! (which I will ignore and glory in).
Is Capitalism "Intrinsically Disordered"? | National Catholic Reporter
Is Capitalism "Intrinsically Disordered"? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Like with homosexualty and finding pleasure in sex - there is NO NATURAL ORDER. There is simply the world as it is. The curial abstractions may or may not be a useful tool - but they are not deified as something that God's justice must enforce. What Fr. Sirico and Mr. Gregg don't realize is that Capitalism is not the same thing as a free market. At does have winners - the capitalists and losers - workers and consumers. Capitalist markets have few employers and many employees without power - which is why the Church, in her wisdom, encourages unions (aside from teachers unions and unions at Catholic hospitals - OOPS!) A free market means buyers and sellers for both labor and products have equal power. That is certainly not the case with capitalism. Libertarian socialism, which makes the workers the owners and consumers, is the closest thing aside from total anarchy to achieving a free market in practice - because it maintains EQUALITY in its membership. No one gets rich in an LS system - and THAT is the point! It is also why no one gives much money toward adopting it.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Robert Christian on Income Inequality, POTUS & the Pope | National Catholic Reporter
Robert Christian on Income Inequality, POTUS & the Pope | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: It is not the Free Market that is the problem - it is Capitalism. Of course, if the Pope condemned capitalism that cultists of John Paul II would have a hissy fit - although Benedict did as much as well. Even the popes since Leo XIII (who should be a saint if any pope is) are but newbees compared to the prophets from the Northern and Southern kingdoms - who predicted the exile of each kingdom. Know how bad inequality will leave a nation? The Northern Kingdom never returned - and is still wandering in Europe as the Romani people. While the US cannot be similarly exiled, it is still similarly guilty. As the parable of Lazarus says, not even if one should come back from the dead will they be helped if they ignore Moses and the Prophets. Those who claim Christ as their personal savior should think of that one long and hard.
That Charmer Cong. Steve King | National Catholic Reporter
That Charmer Cong. Steve King | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: King reflects the Xenophobia of many of my cousins in that part of Iowa - who forget that 150 years ago their ancestors were immigrants. If King wants to help doom the GOP to an ignominious end, who am I to argue with him?
The Tiny, Tiny Budget Deal | National Catholic Reporter
The Tiny, Tiny Budget Deal | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The leadership wants the deal, so it will get done - period. As you stated, getting rid of the sequester helps Republican interests more than Democratic interests, so having a bipartisan committee do this is not shock. Extended UI will get done under another bill, as will the debt limit extension.
This budget "crisis" - or more accurately circus - came about due to the unchallenged bravado by Republicans who stated that the Senate had not passed a budget in X number of months. This is entirely untrue, as the Budget Control Act functions as a budget for 302 allocation purposes, although the price was the sequester. Now that we have precident for undoing the sequester it likely will never come again.
As for the history of bipartisanship leading to balanced budgets in the 90s, that only occurred because Gingrich allowed himself to be outvoted by the Democrats and moderate Republicans - which basically ignored his fiscal priorities for his entire speakership. THAT is why we have the Hastert rule. It was a natural evolution of parties which became ideologically homogenous. Of course, that homogeneity may be the doom of the GOP - especially if Pope Francis pulls the bishops out of their pro-life Amen corner.
This budget "crisis" - or more accurately circus - came about due to the unchallenged bravado by Republicans who stated that the Senate had not passed a budget in X number of months. This is entirely untrue, as the Budget Control Act functions as a budget for 302 allocation purposes, although the price was the sequester. Now that we have precident for undoing the sequester it likely will never come again.
As for the history of bipartisanship leading to balanced budgets in the 90s, that only occurred because Gingrich allowed himself to be outvoted by the Democrats and moderate Republicans - which basically ignored his fiscal priorities for his entire speakership. THAT is why we have the Hastert rule. It was a natural evolution of parties which became ideologically homogenous. Of course, that homogeneity may be the doom of the GOP - especially if Pope Francis pulls the bishops out of their pro-life Amen corner.
Cloutier on Bernardin | National Catholic Reporter
Cloutier on Bernardin | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The Church cannot get this together because the bishops and the Vatican don't understand how abortion was legalized in the United States and does not seem to see that the National Right to Life Committee is an organ of the Republican Party - who will never do seemless garment things like increasing the minimum wage and radically increasing the child tax credit. If they understood the difference between allowing abortion and promoting abortion they might be able to remove itself from the NRLC con game and work with those who really do want social justice. They need to look long and hard on who they are supporting for Congress next year. Putting Pelosi back in as Speaker and tutoring her on the ethics of abortion - PRIVATELY - is a good first step.
Sr. Carol vs. NYTimes | National Catholic Reporter
Sr. Carol vs. NYTimes | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Sister Carol is truly a saint. The bishops don't deserve her actions after the way she and her members were pilloried by certain bishops and USCCB staff when she supported Obama on health care reform. I have no intention to act as quickly unless Sr. Carol takes the lead. She is an example of why we need female priests and bishops.
Rescuing the Pro-Life Cause | National Catholic Reporter
Rescuing the Pro-Life Cause | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Bishop Tobin seems to be in line with the right wingnut movement to bash Mandela one last time. THAT is the problem with the pro-life movement. His criticism is over the top as well. Have the law decriminalize abortion IS NOT the same thing as promoting it. Whether he ever made statements saying abortion is to be recommended or not is the question of whether he promoted abortion. Tobin needs to realize that Desmond Tutu is his archbishop - not some Catholic prelate. I suspect the Anglican view is a bit different on this matter - which is the difference between moral evil (and again, removing state sanctions is not evil) and sin.
What the Left needs to do, especially the elected Left like Biden and Pelosi, is to point out what a sham the pro-life movement really is - and will continue to be until it gets on the living wage bandwagon. While the Bushes made progress in this area - by instituting a Child Tax Credit - they did not go far enough. It needs to be increased by six to twelve fold (depending on whether states match it) so that each child gets $12,000 a year for the family.
What the Left needs to do, especially the elected Left like Biden and Pelosi, is to point out what a sham the pro-life movement really is - and will continue to be until it gets on the living wage bandwagon. While the Bushes made progress in this area - by instituting a Child Tax Credit - they did not go far enough. It needs to be increased by six to twelve fold (depending on whether states match it) so that each child gets $12,000 a year for the family.
Evangelii Gaudium Still Making Waves | National Catholic Reporter
Evangelii Gaudium Still Making Waves | National Catholic Reporter by MSW on KP of WaPo. MGB: KP does capture the right wing reaction quite well. For my part, anyone who Rush calls a Marxist immediately makes me a fan. The right wing spin machine is deathly afraid that Catholic pro-lifers will leave the GOP coalition (that includes Latinos), making them a permanent minority party - or worse - destroy them everywhere. In truth, the left is scared of such things, as the Democratic coalition cannot hold together after absorbing ex-Republicans.
Catholic Conversation Project | National Catholic Reporter
Catholic Conversation Project | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The CDF and the bishops need to realize that academic theologians come in two groups. One group is dedicated to the training of priests and improving cathecisis. The other lives in academia and is dedicated to deepening the academic understanding of Christology, ethics and theology in general. They are the salt or yeast that keeps doctrine relevant to successive generations. Nowadays the latter is able to use what we learn from archeology and biology. The bishops need to cut the latter group some slack - provided that they are clear about the nature of their writings as exploration rather than the teaching of doctrine. The Holy Office needs to get that the condemnation of modernism was itself erroneous.
The Geenie is long out of the bottle. it cannot ever be put back in. Evolution and biblical scholarship have shown that Adam and Eve are allegorial figures. The first humans were much older and they did not have a golden age of sinlessness. Farming in the Middle East began because that place known as Eden, which is in Turkey, had a climate change incident. The myth is a desire to explain why this happened - as the authors had no knowledge of global climate change.
The Geenie is long out of the bottle. it cannot ever be put back in. Evolution and biblical scholarship have shown that Adam and Eve are allegorial figures. The first humans were much older and they did not have a golden age of sinlessness. Farming in the Middle East began because that place known as Eden, which is in Turkey, had a climate change incident. The myth is a desire to explain why this happened - as the authors had no knowledge of global climate change.
Illiberal Lefties | National Catholic Reporter
Illiberal Lefties | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The kind of Lockean liberalism you describe is inadequate to deal with our economic mess. What we need instead is principled (and non-violent) radicalism. Being nice to people who are stealing from the poor is not what either I nor the Lord would recommend. As for the Warren affair with the Third Way, this outfit is purely Clintonian, just like the DLC. The reason for the hit peace is likely a sophomoric attempt to try to keep Warren out of a race against Hillary. The same can be said for the Times peace on abortion - the conscience exemption for religious hospitals to not perform abortions is both time honored and in law. A Times editorial will not change that - even in the Senate. Sadly, the USCCB has muted the usual coalition who would stand up to them, largely because how they reacted to their loss on the Affordable Care Act.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
"Hills of the North, Rejoice" | National Catholic Reporter
"Hills of the North, Rejoice" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Sadly, the people of the Northern KIngdom have not yet been allowed to return to Israel - although we did convert as a group before anyone else did. The Samaritans converted en masse, while the Romani in India were converted by St. Thomas. The Romani and Samaritans are the same nation.
American Life League Attacks Sheehan | National Catholic Reporter
American Life League Attacks Sheehan | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: ALL is an example of the right wing's devotion to coaltion politics. There is no place in their coalition for social programs - because they think it keeps people poor - which is bogus. People are kept poor because Republicans are obstructing spending more, forgiving mortgage debt and giving the poor (indeed - all families) more income assistance for children. Indeed, abortion would be severely cut back if we had a decent living wage - something ALL is totally against. As far as going after a bishop who supported an organization that cut the founder's largesse - I am not at all surprised. What many on the left understand well is the capacity of right wingers to use the cause of life as their meal ticket (which means they are not interested in real solutions).
"The Danger of Pope Francis" | National Catholic Reporter
"The Danger of Pope Francis" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: While the Papacy is a poltical office, it is also spiritual. This is what scares the approach of Francis, who highlights the fact that taking care of the poor - both on the individual and governmental levels - is an essential part of discipleship (not to be confused with salvation - which is about getting your soul saved - with discipleship being about treasure in Heaven). Integrating charity into the faith makes some people uncomfortable - especially if they are against raising taxes. People ridicule Francis because they can't ignore him. Next they will actively fight him and then he will win.
What Is RFRA? | National Catholic Reporter
What Is RFRA? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I suspect that Hosanna Tabor will be the controlling law in this case - which also seems address who gets to deliniate who is a minister and who is not - the Church itself. This won't, however, do anything about the fact that the EEOC has long ruled that contraception is an essential part of preventative care. Of course, I am sure that the St. Thomas More Law Center will file an Amicus asking the Court to overturn both Roe and Grisswold. Indeed, I suspect that this round of law suits is all about giving the Court that opportunity. Given the fact that there are no different Republicans on the Court than when they passed on doing the same thing in Gonzales v. Carhart (with Kennedy, Alito and Chief Roberts taking a pass on overturning Roe), I suspect that this is a fools errand.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Just How Bad Is Income Inequality? | National Catholic Reporter
Just How Bad Is Income Inequality? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: This has nothing to do with support for women's health issues and everything to do with Republican obstructionism - although Obama probably should have let taxes go up for the upper middle class as well as the wealthy. What is really hurting is Republican obstruction to putting in Obama appointments that will let action go forth in the area of union rights - a problem recently solved by the exercising of the nuclear option. A lot of the continuation of the Great Recession came about because Obama was scared out of doing something for underwater mortgage borrowers. Had he not taken the advice of Larry Summers and done something when it would have made a differece, inequality would have moved just a bit in the other direction. He still has time.
Mandela | National Catholic Reporter
Mandela | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I did not know President Mandela personally, but friends, chief among them Rev. Walter Faunteroy (who started the Free South Africa protests in the US by chaining himself to the South African embassador's desk on Black Friday) and I are part of what Dr. King called the Beloved Community. I feel this loss personally. Come next week I can celebrate his resurrection - which is assured due to his taking on the mantle of peace. First, some grief and tears are in order. Of course, some of that may be an awareness of my own mortality and those of my friends (such as Lawrence Guyot and my young South African friend Shuta Myoli, who came here fleeing persecution). It is an interesting twist of fate that our first black president will attend the funeral - and sad that South Africa, the land of Apartheid, elected a black president before the United States - the home of Jesse Helms and Mitch (block all actions Obama supports) McConnell. Maybe that is why I am sad.
Garnett on Hobby Lobby | National Catholic Reporter
Garnett on Hobby Lobby | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The slippery slope happened when the Church was given exemptions at all in the proposed rules. Too much accommodation is a bad thing. The truth is that for insurance that covers preventative care (and it all must) - contraception has been required since DECEMBER 2000! Note that fact if you want to cover the whole story. Because of the public nature of the new health care, someone should note that allowing employers to get federal money to deny the privacy right to contraception is in violation of Griswold v. Connecticut. If employers are acting in the government's stead, they cannot violate the constitutional privacy rights of employees - including the Church.
Kudos to Conley | National Catholic Reporter
Kudos to Conley | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: As stated earlier, the right is afraid that Francis will drag the Catholic bishops out of the Republican coalition over economic issues. They have reason to fear - and yes, some of what Catholic social teaching from Benedict to Francis has been more than a bit Marxian. If you read just the introduction to Das Kapital and what it says about trade and workers welfare you would think he wrote it in the past few years. Pravda is pravda, Comrades.
Good News from Rome | National Catholic Reporter
Good News from Rome | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Putting a whistle blower in change will cause them to try to circle the wagons. Hopefully she and her group will have the power to compel compliance - including by using episcopal appointment and removal to make things happen. This is an old problem - one of the oldest in the Church. When Jesus talked about leading young ones astray, he was not talking about teaching false doctrine but instead corrupting them sexually. That this passage made it in is telling - whether it is an attribtion or a verfied quotation.
The Domestication of Indifference | National Catholic Reporter
The Domestication of Indifference | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The answer to abortion is not to pander to the masses for electoral and coalition politics reasons - it is the adoption of the economic agenda of Francis and Obama. Of course, this is what the right wing is afraid of - from Donohue to Limbaugh to Shaw and FoxNews. They are deathly afraid that this pope will shake the pro-life bishops lose from the Republican coalition - which would literally have the GOP fall apart. It is no wonder they speak with both lies and vitriol.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
WPFMTS Award: Life Site News | National Catholic Reporter
WPFMTS Award: Life Site News | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The right wing seems to be more about believing the right things than doing them. It is almost Protestant. Sadly, they are really about group loyalty - so it is embarrassing for Catholic right wing groups to find themselves on the other side than the Pope, who does not fit into any coaltion but is more liberal than not. At some point it will become more well known that the majority of the pro-life movement and its supporters (like the Bishops) are more about Republican coalition politics (note the Affordable Care Act) than they are about truth, justice and mercy.
RC Schools & Common Core | National Catholic Reporter
RC Schools & Common Core | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: When Catholic Schools are also Charter Schools (increasingly the reality) or if they ever get public funds - say in exchange for letting in the unions, the Common Core will not be optional - fad or not.
Douthat Challenges RC Left | National Catholic Reporter
Douthat Challenges RC Left | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Douthat does not mention abortion - and as a liberal Catholic I would state that the best way to fight abortion is to make the economic reforms that both Pope Francis and BARACK OBAMA seem to be suggesting (capitalization meant to inflame). As for Gay Marriage and the Ordination of Women - we don't advocate discussing these issues - we demand change and we will see it as the demand becomes large enough. Let the philosophical defense involving the marital model of the priesthood (which is God is male suggests females only as priests) end. It is sophistry and everyone below 50 pretty much gets it unless they are true defenders of the faith (or at least the status quo). As for Church governance - it is time to adopt the Orthodox mode of autocephalic national patriarchs. Let the local American patriarch rule on gay weddings, the election of bishops, the ownership of Church property (an issue made acute by the sex abuse scandal) and the ordination of women. Hopefully that Patriarch is not Dolan.
Terror in Democratic Republic of the Congo | National Catholic Reporter
Terror in Democratic Republic of the Congo | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Sadly, there is no American appetite for intervention. Not sure that would be true if there were unrest in Portugal or Belgium.
The "War on Christmas" | National Catholic Reporter
The "War on Christmas" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Jesus not only brought God, but brought God to the world of human suffering - and not just the physical kind but the spiritual kind of well - and that is worth celebrating!
As for the manger scene in the pubic square, let us remember there were no manger scenes until Francis of Assisi staged one. It is a sacramental, not a sacrament. Indeed, iconoclasts would say it is a sin against the second commandment (although Catholics locate it in the first).
In truth, the entire Christian season is a hijacking of the far more ancient season of Yule - the celebration of the solstice. Christianizing this feast is an attempt to make Christ the Light of the world who banishes the darkness, rather than the Sun. Of course, the Church is thereby buying into astrology rather than leaving it be.
Giving gifts to children is a very new thing (rather than using St. Nick's day for candy and Three Kings Day for bigger presents. Doing so in America came about due to increasing material prosperity and the end of child labor.
AA members, who are often badly affected by the shortening of the day, hold extra meetings, called Alcathons, during both the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Holidays (and some of them are "spiritual not religious" - yet they still call the holidays by their names). If you want to see the height of Christmas spirituality, go to an open AA meeting on Christmas (most of them are nowadays).
As for the manger scene in the pubic square, let us remember there were no manger scenes until Francis of Assisi staged one. It is a sacramental, not a sacrament. Indeed, iconoclasts would say it is a sin against the second commandment (although Catholics locate it in the first).
In truth, the entire Christian season is a hijacking of the far more ancient season of Yule - the celebration of the solstice. Christianizing this feast is an attempt to make Christ the Light of the world who banishes the darkness, rather than the Sun. Of course, the Church is thereby buying into astrology rather than leaving it be.
Giving gifts to children is a very new thing (rather than using St. Nick's day for candy and Three Kings Day for bigger presents. Doing so in America came about due to increasing material prosperity and the end of child labor.
AA members, who are often badly affected by the shortening of the day, hold extra meetings, called Alcathons, during both the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Holidays (and some of them are "spiritual not religious" - yet they still call the holidays by their names). If you want to see the height of Christmas spirituality, go to an open AA meeting on Christmas (most of them are nowadays).
Another Gem from Evangelii Gaudium | National Catholic Reporter
Another Gem from Evangelii Gaudium | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: No one argues about the need for mercy when a sin is committed. The argument is why something is sinful and whether it is. Only the old school, hard core Catholics think there is anything wrong with masturbation as long it is not taken to extremes in terms of frequency or stimulus. There is an emerging consensus that monogamous gay sex is not sinful, nor is birth control (birth control is a symptom of the sin of inequality - as is natural family planning).
Supporting "Fast For Families" | National Catholic Reporter
Supporting "Fast For Families" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: This is more a hunger strike than a fast. It is poltical, not spiritual - but that is not to say it is not valid - especially since it is getting ink, airtime and bandwidth.
Notre Dame refiles suit against HHS mandate | National Catholic Reporter
Notre Dame refiles suit against HHS mandate | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Sebelius was thrust into this by the White House, through Senior Adisor Valerie Jarrett. To continue to blame her for this flap when the truth is out there is Calumny. Further, birth control itself is part of the mandatory coverage in any preventative plan and has been for 13 years - way before Obama took office. The only thing different is the copayment. They legal question of whether the government can treat different ministries differently is an interesting one. The answer is yes, especially in labor law. Would Notre Dame or MSW prefer instead requiring that individual parishes cover contraception? (I suspect more do than you think - Catholic Charities USA certainly does - or at least did - as do many hospitals and probably many universities - the Catholic ones - most likely because they did not ask or were told that the Civil Rights Act required them to - which it does).
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
The War on Advent | National Catholic Reporter
The War on Advent | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The focus on sin in Advent is a time to encourage Confession - however we should be focusing on sin all the time - not because of a fear of damnation but rather because it makes our lives or those of others miserable (and if it does not, it is not a sin).
My favorite Advent Hymn is O Come, O Come Emmanuel. While Israel (the real one, not the Zionist state - also known as the Northern Kingdom) is no longer captive, we are exiled. Most of us have assimilated and become Catholic - however some Romani are still in their camps, trying to do what they must to survive and meeting persecution for it rather than being welcomed in Christ. Now that is sinful.
The Christmas story did not actually happen in December. It took place in Spring, when the flocks would be in the field at night. In December, it is too cold, even in Palestine, to be out at night with sheep. The reason it is not celebrated in April is that it would be on the heels of Easter and the reincarnation metaphors are a bit too close for comfort.
The most significant part is not the Parousia (which may be personal rather than a historical event), but what it says about the Lord and how he saw His Mother as the first proclaimer of the Gospel to Him. "She kept all these things and treasured them in her heart" is code for she told Jesus that he was the Son of God. That would later prove fateful when Jesus was meeting His end and told her that he was dead and that John should take care of her. She could likely not look at him in her grief. Even if she did, it shattered his idea of who he is - as did telling John to take care of his grandmother (which the Prostants did get right - Mary Salome was Zebedee's wife and Mary's daughter) rather than baptize all nations. This led him to call out to God in anquish, thus securing our salvation for us (with God experiencing what sinners feel - apartness). Without the Christmas narrative, this does not make sense.
My favorite Advent Hymn is O Come, O Come Emmanuel. While Israel (the real one, not the Zionist state - also known as the Northern Kingdom) is no longer captive, we are exiled. Most of us have assimilated and become Catholic - however some Romani are still in their camps, trying to do what they must to survive and meeting persecution for it rather than being welcomed in Christ. Now that is sinful.
The Christmas story did not actually happen in December. It took place in Spring, when the flocks would be in the field at night. In December, it is too cold, even in Palestine, to be out at night with sheep. The reason it is not celebrated in April is that it would be on the heels of Easter and the reincarnation metaphors are a bit too close for comfort.
The most significant part is not the Parousia (which may be personal rather than a historical event), but what it says about the Lord and how he saw His Mother as the first proclaimer of the Gospel to Him. "She kept all these things and treasured them in her heart" is code for she told Jesus that he was the Son of God. That would later prove fateful when Jesus was meeting His end and told her that he was dead and that John should take care of her. She could likely not look at him in her grief. Even if she did, it shattered his idea of who he is - as did telling John to take care of his grandmother (which the Prostants did get right - Mary Salome was Zebedee's wife and Mary's daughter) rather than baptize all nations. This led him to call out to God in anquish, thus securing our salvation for us (with God experiencing what sinners feel - apartness). Without the Christmas narrative, this does not make sense.
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