Thursday, July 2, 2020

Links for 7/2/20

Links for 7/2/20
Real friends of Israel believe that it must become at least a secular, if not an ecumenical society where being either Christian or Muslim affords one the full rights and dignities of citizenship, including military service and positions in the Cabinet, including Prime Minister. That is the only solution the United States should be supporting. Anything less is as wicked as Jim Crow or Apartheid.

The President is only in touch with his Moscow masters. I suspect he is agnostic about the ACA but is throwing Moscow Mitch a bone. Expanded Medicaid is one step closer to a public option or Medicaid for All. All roads lead to Canada.

Colorado Republicans deserve what they get, which will be a Democratic member of Congress. If you are going down with the ship, make the most of it!

The opposite is true with putting Warren on the ballot, especially if Pence ends up with the nomination. The sane Republicans supporting Joe as an alternative to Trump may like Mike enough to come back, especially if Elizabeth is on the ticket.

Getting rid of Blaine was a no brainer, although the Church earned the scorn it attracted under Gregory XV and Pio Nono. If only the Pope would let me follow my grandfather into the Lodge. Masonic hats beat whatever the Knights are wearing any day. The bishops now need to grow up and realize that neither their opposition to Roe, nor the NEA's support of it make any difference whatsoever to its continued existence. See more at my Christian Left blog on Espinoza and state and local budgets.

Not being Trump and pinning Trump and pro-life extremism on Pence are enough to win in November. Everyone knows already that Joe stands with the working class. It is in his DNA. Pandering is not required. As for upward and downward class trajectories, Keynes said it best - in the long run, we are all dead.

To expect an Indiana bishop to keep his thumb off the scale in favor of the right-wing is definitely to seek miracles, especially if this is the bishop who went after a Jesuit high school for not firing a gay teacher who married his husband in a civil ceremony. Unless he fires all civilly married teachers, he is also a bigot. Indeed, the bishop should give the happy couple a Cathedral wedding. Times, they are a changing.

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