Thursday, July 16, 2020

Links for 7/16/20

Links for 7/16/20
The reality is that the disease model being used is wrong. It starts with a cold, which could be headed off with saline solution or a Neti Pot at the first symptoms. Still, most are doomed, CDC guidance for nursing homes kills challenge-based immunity. Giving everyone a pneumonia vaccine may help, but the die is mostly cast.

This one is not on Trump, who is not psychologically capable of moral agency, which is a constitutional crisis. For things to work in the current climate, there is no link between who is elected and the deep state permanent government. As for impeachment, we tried that already, with predictable results. Short of accusing him of and proving treason, it was never going to happen,

Naumann and the entire Office of Pro-Life Activities are a Republican front group. Until this is understood, the illusion will continue that Democrats for Life could ever be relevant.

Administrative law run by the bishop(s) is still the fox in the chicken coop running things. Jesus was very clear of what he thought of gentile style leadership, and there is nothing more gentile than a feudalistic model.

The Federalist Society is all about making the states the focus of government, not just on social issues. State government is easily managed by both hierarchical churches and business elites. No one else cares to contribute or vote. In the Supreme Court, most votes supporting capitalism are unanimous because the law is capitalist.

Americans for Prosperity too, although a case can be made that, with UI, $1000 per week is a bit much. $750 is a better rate, but it should be permanent. AFP wants workers to be hungry so that capitalists can abuse them.

Hillary Clinton, as First Lady, went to China to decry the one child policy. A state that can outlaw abortion can also force it. Until you understand that, you are missing the point.

Note that, like the AFP, the pro-life movement on the right will not raise family wages. For them, the issue really is about controlling women and the poor economically and socially.

As I have been saying, Trump may win Wyoming. He will win the South and the Southwest. Down ballot too. We will either have a constitutional majority or a centrist democratic and a social democratic party The next decade will be a debate on the soul of the Left. So far, my view is that we need a better leftist model of politics, economics and religion. I have written more than a few books about how to do this (about a dozen).

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