Thursday, December 20, 2018

Links for 12/20/18
Mark is always a fun read. Tax incentives do not work perfectly, but outright bans can lead to the violence of the Civil War, as did the Fugitive Slave Act, which gave the southern states the right of violence on northern soil. An inelastic tax elasticity of supply and demand can avoid a higher price, but producers will only eat so much tax before it gets passed on. Carbon taxes are, like other regulation, a way for producers to keep producing with incentives to develop cleaner means. They are a way to avoid tougher direct enforcement, which could mean plant closings or the mandatory adoption of new technologies and the use of government research to find them, funded by fines rather than taxes.  Of course, the political power of energy companies can keep any solution from happening.

Economic incentives do work, however, in regulating personal, rather than corporate behavior. This is especially the case with social prohibition. Alcohol taxes work when shutting down bars only leads to organized crime. Cigarette use is down because of high taxes.  Abortion prohibition did not work, it merely led to illegal abortion, travel to Mexico where abortion was legal but corruption allowed it, while giving money to families to actually support their children will surely work to end their incentives to abort, regardless of the blood lust of pro-lifers whose real goal is regulating female sexuality.

Judge Sullivan later apologized for his outrage. He put it above the need of the government to send a quick message to Trump that they will not be stopped. After the judge walked his comments back, he could have had a meeting in chambers with council and walked back the continuance as well, ratifying the deal and ending this part of the drama.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez loses nothing by being the standard bearer of the Democratic Socialists in seeking a position in the leadership. Without our boldness, the election might have been very different. The youth brought in by Bernie Sanders have awakened. We deserve a place at the table, and not for demographic reasons.

The cause of Jakelin's death is known, but whether official malfeasance was part of it is unknown. She has become a cause celeb, as have the unborn. The truth in both issues is a bit more complicated. This is another instance where the Bishops are again bowing to the impulse to read, fire and aim, rather than acting judiciously. This shows how fall prey to group dynamics rather than waiting for the Lord.

Shapiro is best ignored before he gains prominence For him, any press is good press if you spell his name right. Spend more time promoting truth rather than giving attention to silliness.

I am not sure how the governor or the financial authority can prevent a mud slide in Puerto Rico or on California. The best they can do is evacuate ahead of time so that we don't make more graves. Finding graves is secondary.

Let me add the emergence of democratic socialists in the U.S. midterms to the list. The youth vote has awoken and it will be the yeast that turns the world from isolated acts of resistance to transformation.

Never Trumpers were the rare example of reactionary right-wingers against the radicalization of the conservative movement. No one could have predicted the success of Trump or his idiocy.

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