Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Links for 12/18/18

Today's Links from MSW MGB:
We do not know the justice of God either way, although I would rather be on the deceased boy than on the priest on certainly of Heaven. Of course, I also favor compassionate endings for those sure to suffer with no hope of recovery (although that is a moving target with gene therapy - which can thank fetal stem cell research for getting us to adult cell therapy).

People hate America because of Trump. They also hate capitalism, although most nations use its fruits with their eyes shut to its horrid mechanisms in China and elsewhere. The CCP needs to change the second C from Communist to Capitalist.

Oddly, the tax on church workers lays the groundwork for a later Net Business Receipts Tax on employee salaries, although parking would probably still be exempt - the parking structure would pay more tax and this would impact the price, which would lead to higher salaries (as making the tax indirect would lower gross pay, but not the net). The GOP base does not care as long as they can still demonize brown people. Repealing the Johnson Amendment would be a good corrective if anyone really notices. Better that Priests and Bishops give their biennial abortion letters and after Communion talks by actually endorsing the Republican so that we know where they stand and can ignore them appropriately (57% do anyway unless someone like Clinton tries to justify partial birth abortion rather than citing its illegality and her opponent's stupidity).

Neoconservatism is all about support of Israel. Magazines dying is about the Internet as a substitute. The Standard is likely losing out because more and more Americans see Israeli treatment of Palestinians as extremist. Ignoring genocide in Gaza in response to them shooting off bottle rockets in Israel is not a proportionate response. Neither is a Soviet style wall prior to boundary negotiations.

Mulvaney is good capitalist. He and Trump are made for eachother. Sadly, he will likely land on his feet rather than in jail after Trump is ousted, probably in the near term. The more they delay the more likely Pence will be removed with Trump while Biden, Clinton or Pelosi serve out Trump's term, with Nancy as king or queen maker.

Pope Emeritus Benedict was correct in letting evangelization grow, however we can do some weeding before we plant. While the effect of the abuse of minors must be rooted out, so must be the Medieval organizational structure and the unacknowledged asexuality of half the clergy - the half more likely to abuse and to spout nonsense as sexual doctrine for the rest of us. They need to be outed, first to themselves, starting from Francis on down. An entirely gay clergy would be better.

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