Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Weighing responses to Francis' 'God made you like this' comment

MGB: There is a place for argument on this issue and no one should be losing their tenure over it or be accused of heresy.  The evidence seems to be showing that being gay is a natural state, not a state of chosen disorder. Whether something is ordered a certain way is an intellectual construct, not an aspect of nature. Nature is biological, not theological. Heresy is like orthodoxy, it relates to the three great Councils of the fourth century, not every press release from the CDF or disagreements with the Catechism.

What is important theologically are the implications of admitting that gays are wonderfully made and differently ordered. What is sad is that some need proof from science when simple respect dictates that when gay people say they were born gay rather than made a decision to be gay, that we disregard their testimony. How can we insist they trust us about faith and Christ if we won't trust them to accurately report their truth.

If we do believe them, then their sexuality is not sinful, provided they approach it the way heterosexuals do - inside of marriage and with some  degree of experimentation less than penetration being allowable. Of course, this is the real reason the Anachronists fear allowing gay sex - because doing so would reveal that it is a lie that sex must be procreative - which is piety but not healthy moral law for anyone who is not born asexual.

Letting asexuals design natural law sexuality for people who are sexual is simple stupidity on the rest of our part.  We are mostly at the stage where we are ignoring them, and so are the gays. Catholic sexual morality has lost its credibility and the only way the asexuals in the hierarchy can gain it again is to out themselves and reexamine their own assumptions, which extend from their personal sexuality (which could be called disordered as well) and apologize for the inconvenience.

Where does this leave us? At minimum, sacred continence must be repudiated as an unnecessary accommodation to Neo-Platonic philosophy by the early Church. Ideally, it means that families of gay couples should be given the Sacramental weddings they deserve, since wedding ceremonies are as much a family thing as a sacramental encounter by the couple (who, whether gay or straight, perform the sacrament themselves - the priest is optional).

I agree that there is still a lot of heavy lifting to do to change Catholic sexual teaching. It starts with one comment. The key is to now take the next step. Sexual couples are fine, by the way. The Church needs to start its re-examination for its own sake. Christ promised that eventually, it would, because the gates of Hell will not prevail against it. That does not mean that the Church will never change. It means that it must.

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