Thursday, May 3, 2018

Links for 5/3/18
MGB:_Someone send Dana’s column to Alec Baldwin for Saturday Night’s show.

Hawking had every reason to believe God was a jerk, however it did not make him a jerk, so it did not matter. His last conclusions about what preceded the Bing Bang are actually in line with the doctrine that the universe came from nothing. No time, no matter, no space, no physical laws. No God waiting in the wings. Of course, he is a physicist, not a theologian. His views are totally consistent with the concept of a created universe, whether he acknowledges the Creator or not, except by his actions. He does not have to for God to love him.

Francis practices poverty to the extent possible in his personal life, rather than keeping alive the practice of Pope as Roman Emperor. Some bishops do this too, others do not and these are the ones complaining, the ones that like nice meals, black town cars and people serving them. Francis practices the humility of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. With most others, the reenactment of Holy Thursday is a sick joke.

Napa should include me. Half of my book on Papal Anachronists concerns St. John Paul, both Veritatis and Evangelium.

Regarding Starbucks, Zionism is not a race. It is neo-conservatism.

It seems that the Religous Freedom wing of the bishops was simply anti-Obama.

Ojeda seems to be showing, quite effectively, that the Tea Party movement is simply Repblcian perforance art. If he wins, he proves his point.

The 10,000 visitor per weekend mark sounds like there is both a vibrant Latino Church in Chicago as well as a good tourist trade. How many people attend St. Patrick’s each weekend? It is probably the same ballpark.

Trafficking will continue as long as anyone is considered ”illegal” and prostitution is a crime, which assues the women are criminals instead of victims. In both cases, law enforcement is likely part of thhe problem.

Fr. Conroy has his job back. No word wheter Ryan’s CoS had to go to the woodshed. I am sure Ryan is not the first conservative to bristle when the Chaplain offers more than a feel-good prayer. If that is all they ever did, then the post should stay empty. Thank Heaven it is sometimes the voice of courage and the left should always celebrate that.

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