Tuesday, November 10, 2015

In Florence, Francis Re-Boots Evangelii Gaudium | National Catholic Reporter

In Florence, Francis Re-Boots Evangelii Gaudium | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I would have used the term reactionary rather than conservative - but he nailed the idea.  He may as well have cited the Spirit of Prophesy, which includes dissent from establishment rules that don't work.  What is as radical is this meeting, which in the US would have to be huge or done in regions, with not just theologians but also the laity participating.  Imagine that.

Francis and I are on the same page on Christ, emptiness an humanism, because a God that sought emptiness on the cross is one who experienced our lives (rather than paying some imagied bounty), so that what we judge as moral must be for us, not for some desire for some personal spiritual idolatry (Pelagianism and Gnosticism apply here - as our knowledge of natural law must be from experience, not reason, including the experience of Christ on the cross).  That cannot but lead to a pastoral response to the people by both bishops and clergy.  Let us see if this meeting can evoke that - America needs an example to follow.  I doubt that just the talk can move the American bishops - we have to rely on what he said at St. Matthews - they aren't ready for much more.

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