Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ozy Profile of O'Malley | National Catholic Reporter

Ozy Profile of O'Malley | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Are these quotes from written work published on the net or did she call Carr, Hale and MSW?  I suspect the former.  I suspect that Dolan, Rigali, Burke and Chaput are not pleased that they are not the most influential Catholic in America - of course, I suspect Joe Biden actually is - although Biden would be more influential if he explained why Roe is a legal issue and (mostly) not a legislative and electoral one.  Hopefully someone can convice Sean Cardinal O'Malley of this.  It would defang the GOP USCCB alliance.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michael, I spoke with Carr, Hale and MSW personally. Thank you so much for sharing my article.
