Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Review: Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality, Part II | National Catholic Reporter

Review: Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality, Part II | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Concupescence is one of those things that makes life worthwhile.  It is also called passion and it is from God.  What is not from God is the concept of a natural order, which is a sophistry to fudge the issue of the fact that God cannot be damaged by human actions. In reality, for the purposes of morality it is really just our experience that should be the guide to working out natural law.  Church teaching on sexuality does not pass the smell test.  It makes life less good, especially on the issue of homosexuality.  1000 years of the worship of rationality is NOT the entire tradtion of the Church.  The 1986 letter was written because in a world where the Church was begining to conclude that sexuality was a gift from God, calling homosexuality disordered was the only way to avoid admitting that gay marriage was a viable moral option (other than channeling gays to the priesthood - celibate or otherwise).  Indeed, should gay marriage catch on among possible priests, the rectories will be empty indeed.

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