Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Review: Law's Virtues, Part III | National Catholic Reporter

Review: Law's Virtues, Part III | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I consider voting for publicly pro-life politicians to be cooperation with evil because, without some program of action for achieving their goal, the entire movement is a scam. I consider a state intrusive enough to prevent first trimester abortions to be a grave evil as well, especially if it does so by driving abortion underground and making it a privilege of the rich. The issue of voting one way or the other is relatively new. The older issue is whether one could pay taxes to a pro-choice regime. According to Fagothy's Right and Reason, the impact by any individual taxpayer is so immaterial that tax withholding is not justified. The same argument can be made about voting for pro-choice candidates (you won't decide the election or prevent a really well written abortion bill - which does not exist by the way) or participating in a health insurance program that provides contraception, even the kinds that embryologically inept theologians don't like.

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