Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Time to put the 'catholic' back into the Catholic Church

Time to put the 'catholic' back into the Catholic Church 

Sectarian is just another word for Protestant, although Constantinople recognizes the validity of Anglican Orders, which makes them a separate Great Church. However, I like American Catholic and Latin Music. Episcopal hymns, not so much. Evangelicals practice sectarianism to the extreme. If someone does not like their denomination, they start their own. 

Catholics have been going down that road as well. I think the Orthodox have it about right, each national Church has its own autonomous head as Patriarch, with Metropolitans serving under him. Technically, the Western Church uses the same ancient language. They also celebrate a very traditional Rite - one that makes even the pre-Vatican II Roman Rite look liberal.

As for those reactionary crazies MSW always points to, they will only last as long as Carl Anderson breathes and sends his money. Do not call him a libertarian. He is an authoritarian capitalist. He wants to run the Church like a business and is attempting a hostile takeover. He will not succeed. Ignore him and he will go away. Just like the followers of Trump (whose main leadership, including Q, are in custody).

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